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SES Pro includes several powerful shortcodes that may be used for displaying forms, displaying subscribe/unsubscribe messages, and adding unsubscribe links to emails. In this post, you will find a summary of all SES Pro shortcodes and their respective attributes. Note that all shortcode attributes are optional unless stated otherwise.

Table of Contents

Unsubscribe Link

Shortcode: [ses_unsub]

Description: adds an unsubscribe link to any SES Email (via SES Email screen in the WP Admin Area)


Attribute Description Example
landing URL of the landing page for unsubscribers landing="http://example.com/unsubscribe/"
text The link text for HTML email format text="Unsubscribe from this newsletter"
before Text to appear before the unsubscribe link before="Want out? "
after Text to appear after the unsubscribe link after=" (opens web page)"
format The format of the shortcode output Can use text or html

View Email in Browser

Shortcode: [ses_view_email]

Description: adds a link that users can click to view the original SES Email (post) in a browser.


Attribute Description Example
landing URL of the landing page Omit or leave blank to use the URL of the original SES Email
text The link text for HTML email format text="Open in browser"
before Text to appear before the view-email link before="Having trouble viewing this email? "
after Text to appear after the view-email link after=" (opens web page)"
format The format of the shortcode output Can use text or html

Display Subscribe Message

Shortcode: [ses_sub_alert]

Description: adds a message that is displayed when a subscribers clicks from an email to opt-in to your newsletter


Attribute Description Example
ses_alert_success The message that is displayed when the opt-in/subscribe is a success ses_alert_success="Thank you, you are now opted in!"
ses_alert_failure The message that is displayed when the opt-in is a failure ses_alert_failure="There was an error, please contact the Admin for help."

Display Unsubscribe Message

Shortcode: [ses_unsub_alert]

Description: adds a message that is displayed when a subscribers clicks from an email to opt-out/unsubscribe from your newsletter


Attribute Description Example
ses_alert_success The message that is displayed when the opt-out is a success ses_alert_success="Great, you are now unsubscribed from the best ever."
ses_alert_failure The message that is displayed when the opt-out is a failure ses_alert_failure="There was an error, please contact the Admin for help."

Display Signup Form

Shortcode: [ses_pro]

Description: displays a signup form


Attribute Description Default/Example
prepend The text/markup displayed before the form input fields * Example: prepend="{h4}Subscribe Now!!!{/h4}"
midpend The text/markup displayed before the form submit button * Example: midpend="{p}You will receive an email after signing up.{/p}"
append The text/markup displayed after the form submit button * Example: append="{p}{small}Easy unsubscribe anytime.{/small}{/p}"
display_name Whether or not the “Name” field should be displayed, either “true” or “false” Default: true
placeholder_name The text to use for the Name placeholder Default: Name
label_name The text to use for the Name label Default: Name:
display_email Whether or not the “Email” field should be displayed, either “true” or “false” Default: true
placeholder_email The text to use for the Email placeholder Default: Email
label_email The text to use for the Email label Default: Email:
display_cf1 Whether or not the “Custom Field 1” field should be displayed, either “true” or “false” Default: false
placeholder_cf1 The text to use for the Custom Field 1 placeholder Default: Custom Field 1
label_cf1 The text to use for the Custom Field 1 label Default: Custom Field 1:
display_cf2 Whether or not the “Custom Field 2” field should be displayed, either “true” or “false” Default: false
placeholder_cf2 The text to use for the Custom Field 2 placeholder Default: Custom Field 2
label_cf2 The text to use for the Custom Field 2 label Default: Custom Field 2:
display_cf3 Whether or not the “Custom Field 3” field should be displayed, either “true” or “false” Default: false
placeholder_cf3 The text to use for the Custom Field 3 placeholder Default: Custom Field 3
label_cf3 The text to use for the Custom Field 3 label Default: Custom Field 3:
display_submit Whether or not the “Submit button” should be displayed, either “true” or “false” Default: true
button_submit The text to use for the Submit button Default: Submit Button
button_reset The text to use for the Reset button, when display_form attribute is set to “reset” Default: Reset
display_thanks_js Whether to display the success message as a JavaScript popup, either “true” or “false” Default: false
message_thanks The text to use for the success message Default: Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email to confirm your subscription.
error_name The text to display when there is an error with the “Name” field Default: Please provide a valid name (you may use hyphens, spaces, periods, and alphanumeric characters)
error_email The text to display when there is an error with the “Email” field Default: Please enter a valid email address
error_dups The text to display when a duplicate email address is detected Default: Email address already subscribed, thank you!
error_cf1 The text to display when there is an error with the “Custom Field 1” field Default: Please enter a value for Custom Field 1
error_cf2 The text to display when there is an error with the “Custom Field 2” field Default: Please enter a value for Custom Field 2
error_cf3 The text to display when there is an error with the “Custom Field 3” field Default: Please enter a value for Custom Field 3
error_general The text to display when there is a general error Default: There has been an error. Please try again or contact the site admin for help.
display_form How the form should be displayed after a successful submission, either “full”, “reset”, or “none” Default: none
icon_url The URL to the loading icon for Ajax form submission Default: http://example.com/path-to/wp-content/plugins/ses-pro/img/loading.gif
double_optin Whether or not double opt-in should be enabled for the form, either “true” or “false” Default: true
optin_from The email address to use for the “From” field in the opt-in email Default: (the admin email address)
optin_subject The subject line to use for the opt-in email Default: Please confirm your subscription to Blog Name
optin_message The message that should be included in the opt-in email * Default: Thank you for signing up! Please click the link to confirm your free subscription:
form_id Alphanumeric Form ID that should be associated with all people who sign up via this particular form Default: 1
signup_confirm Whether or not to send a signup confirmation/welcome email, either “true” or “false” Default: true
signup_from The email address to use for the “From” field in the confirmation email Default: (the admin email address)
signup_subject The subject line to use for the confirmation email Default: Thank you for subscribing!
signup_message The message that should be included in the confirmation email * Default: Thank you for subscribing to Blog Name
sub_page The URL to which successful double opt-in signups are directed to Default: http://your-site.com/?ses-sub=success
unsub_page The URL to which successful double opt-out/unsubscribers are directed to Default: http://your-site.com/?ses-unsub=success
style The form style that should be applied to the form (see the Form Styles screen in the WP Admin Area) Default: 1
custom_class Any custom class or space-separated classes that should be included in the outer/parent form tag Default: none
enable_popup Enable the lightbox/popup effect for the form, either “width,delay” or “false” to disable Default: 300,3000 (i.e., form width = 300px, popup delay = 3 seconds)
enable_slide Enable the slide-in effect for the form, either “width,delay” or “false” to disable Default: 300,3000 (i.e., form width = 300px, slide-in delay = 3 seconds)
display_captcha Whether or not to display Google reCAPTCHA Default: false
label_captcha The label text for the reCAPTCHA Default: none
error_captcha The error message when user fails the reCAPTCHA Default: Incorrect response for the captcha.

* Notes

  • All attributes are optional, all shortcodes use default values when no attributes are specified
  • All [ses_pro] attributes also work for the ses_pro() template tag
  • For the attributes prepend, midpend, append, optin_message, and signup_message, you can use curly brackets to add HTML tags, for example: {h3}This will be wrapped in an h3 tag{/h3}
  • To add classes and other attributes to HTML included via curly brackets {}, you must use single quotes, for example: {h3 class='my-custom-class'}This will be wrapped in an h3 tag{/h3}