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SAC Pro Docs

Page 2 of 3 → showing posts 9 through 16 of 24 total

SAC Pro – Action and Filter Hooks

SAC Pro is equipped with the following action and filter hooks. Absolutely loaded with filter hooks. Action hooks not so much.

Server Test Plugin

The Server Test plugin checks to make sure your site is compatible with USP Pro, SES Pro, and other plugins. Specifically, Server Test checks to see if the WordPress function wp_remote_post() is working properly on your site. If not, it performs some other tests to see if any suitable alternative methods are available. Using the […]

Troubleshooting License Activation

Normally licenses are activated with a couple of clicks, but sometimes there are things that may interfere with activation. This post is all about how to troubleshoot the process and get your plugin activated asap.

Get Plugin License Key

Here are the steps to view your license key here at Plugin Planet:

Fix SSL Update Error

Just a note for some sites that may not completely support SSL/HTTPS. Here are some possible solutions if you get an error such as the following when trying to auto-update (or one-click update) USP Pro, SES Pro, BBQ Pro, or any other plugins from Plugin Planet.

Download Purchased Plugin

Here is how to download your plugin after purchasing USP Pro, SES Pro, BBQ Pro, or any other plugin from Plugin Planet.

Download Purchase Receipt

Here is how to download your receipt after purchasing USP Pro, SES Pro, BBQ Pro, or any other items from Plugin Planet.

Manage Plugin License

This tutorial explains how to manage your plugin license and domain(s).

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Banhammer Pro - Security Plugin
BBQ Pro - Fastest WordPress Firewall
Blackhole Pro - Security Plugin
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