Changelog for BBQ Pro > __Tip:__ Use a free markdown tool like to convert the changelog to a more readable format. > __Tip:__ Check announcement posts for details about pro updates and related news: = 3.7.2 (2024/07/10) = * Fixes bug with `dismiss_notice_link` * Updates plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.6 (beta) = 3.7.1 (2024/03/23) = * Adds support for multiple alert addresses * Adds filter hook, `bbq_alert_headers` * Improves headers for email alerts * Updates Help tab information * Updates plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Improves plugin docs/readme.txt * Tests on WordPress 6.5 (beta) = 3.7 (2023/11/03) = * Adds `.msi` to Advanced Request URI patterns * Adds `etc/hosts` to Basic Query String patterns * Adds `etc/motd` to Basic Query String patterns * Adds `etc/shadow` to Basic Query String patterns * Adds `windows/win` to Basic Query String patterns * Improves font-icon CSS styles * Improves localization function * Improves `bbq_license_status()` * Improves JavaScript on settings page * Replaces `DOING_CRON` with `wp_doing_cron()` * Adds custom notice on settings page * Updates FR translation (thank you [Ingrid Azéma]( * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.4 (beta) = 3.6.1 (2023/07/16) = * Fixes "Uncaught TypeError: property_exists()" * Tests on WordPress 6.3 (beta) = 3.6 (2023/03/15) = * Adds filter hook `bbq_date` * Improves settings page UI/styles * Improves logic for dates and times * Improves logic for enqueue functions * Adds license status message to plugin pages * Improves logic when calling `get_current_screen()` * Improves handling of license activation * Improves handling of license constants * Improves admin notices functionality * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 + 6.2 (beta) * Tests on PHP 8.1 and 8.2 = 3.5.1 (2022/11/14) = * Fixes bug with non-Admins unable to log in * Tests on WordPress 6.1 = 3.5 (2022/10/14) = * Adds filter hook, `bbq_alert_date` * Fixes bug with default_ips filter hook * Removes `curl` from Advanced User Agent patterns * Adds support for `BBQ_PRO_LICENSE` via `wp-config.php` * Improves message/details sent in email alerts * Improves loading of BBQ options and patterns * Improves handling `$allowedposttags` variable * Adds custom footer text to plugin settings * Updates `EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater` script * Improves text/content of email alerts * Improves contextual help information * Improves plugin settings styles * Improves plugin documentation * Updates translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 = 3.4 (2022/05/18) = * Improves plugin License screen * Settings now available without license * Adds show support link on plugin settings page * Improves mobile styles on patterns screen * Improves `evaluate_ip()` function * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.0 = 3.3 (2022/01/25) = * Updates license updater script * Improves loading of translations * Changes dashboard menu icon to shield * Adds filter hook `bbq_dash_icon` * Adds `/.env` to Request URI patterns * Adds `/c99.php` to Request URI patterns * Removes `ahrefs` from User Agent patterns * Removes `zune` from User Agent patterns * Removes `REQUEST=` from Query String patterns * Increases max width of hit count bars * Improves contextual help tab infos * Improves performance of plugin settings * Updates some links to external resources * Changes minimum required WP version to 4.6 * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.9 = 3.2 (2021/10/04) = * Changes 255 character limit to 2,000 * Adds infos to "Limit Requests" setting * Improves performance on settings page * Updates contextual help information * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.9 (alpha) = 3.1 (2021/07/20) = * Adds feature to import custom patterns * Adds option to block empty user agents * Adds formatting of firewall stats numbers * Appends plugin version to asset links * Improves CSS for firewall settings * Updates contextual Help tab infos * Regenerates translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.8 = 3.0 (2021/02/15) = * Improves performance of IP functionality * Improves readme.txt/documentation * Tests on WordPress 5.7 = 2.9 (2020/11/22) = * Integrates 7G patterns to firewall rules * Refines/streamlines existing firewall rules * Updates script to account for changes in jQuery UI * Updates default translation template * Updates license updater script * Updates/refines readme.txt * Tests on PHP 7.4 and 8.0 * Tests on WordPress 5.6 = 2.8.1 (2020/08/29) = * Fixes error due to recent update * Tests on WordPress 5.5 = 2.8 (2020/08/20) = * Adds exclude pattern option for email alerts * Adds admin email as default value for alerts * Improves loading of inline JavaScript variables * Adds new allowed tags to "Custom Message" setting * Removes Securi and WP Rocket IPs from default whitelist * Updates default translation template * Updates contextual Help tab information * Refines plugin setting page styles * Updates license updater script * Refines readme/documentation * Tests on WordPress 5.5 = 2.7 (2020/03/27) = * Adds new default firewall patterns * Tests on WordPress 5.4 = 2.6 (2019/11/19) = * Updates styles for plugin settings page * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.3 = 2.5 (2019/09/07) = * Adds option to send email alerts for blocked requests * Tests with updated [BBQ Logging Plugin]( * Adds filter hook `bbq_send_alerts_site` * Adds filter hook `bbq_send_alerts_subject` * Adds `%c` pattern to display the blocked count * Updates contextual Help information * Updates some links to https * Updates information on plugin page * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.3 (alpha) = 2.4 (2019/05/02) = * Refines BBQ License screen UI * Fixes bug when activating pro when free version is active * Bumps [minimum PHP version]( to 5.6.20 * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.2 = 2.3 (2019/03/21) = * Adds function `plugin_links()` * Improves function `check_bbq()` * Improves function `bbq_action_links()` * Improves display of plugin License screen * Improves functionality for one-click plugin updates * Replaces `` with []( in Help tab * Adds check for admin user for settings shortcut link * Refines plugin settings screen UI * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.1 and 5.2 (alpha) = 2.2 (2018/11/18) = * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.0 (beta) = 2.1 (2018/08/22) = * Adds `rel="noopener noreferrer"` to all [blank-target links]( * Updates GDPR blurb and donate link * Regenerates default translation template * Further tests on WP 4.9 and 5.0 (alpha) = 2.0 (2018/05/11) = New patterns available! See "Upgrade Notice" in plugin documentation or readme.txt. * Adds `rel="noopener noreferrer"` to blank targets * Updates default set of whitelisted IP addresses * Updates info in plugin Help tabs on settings page * Disables error logging of invalid IP addresses * Renames the "Patterns" menu to "Firewall" * Replaces `` with `` * Adds `indoxploi` to query string and request URI patterns * Adds `xrumer` to query string and request URI patterns * Generates new translation template * Updates plugin image files * Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha) = 1.9 (2017/11/10) = * Changes `/.tar` to `.tar` in Request patterns * Changes `/.bash` to `.bash` in Request patterns * Adds new Basic User Agent Patterns: `shellshock`, `md5sum`, `/bin/bash` * Adds new Advanced Request Patterns: `@@`, `@eval`, `/file:`, `/php:`, `.cmd`, `.bat`, `.htacc`, `.htpas`, `.pass`, `usr/bin/perl`, `var/lib/php` * Adds new Advanced Query String Patterns: `/config.`, `/wwwroot`, `/makefile`, `$_session`, `$_request`, `$_env`, `$_server`, `$_post`, `$_get`, `@@`, `(0x`, `0x3c62723e`, `;!--=` * Adds new Basic Query String Patterns: `@eval`, `base64_`, `phpinfo(`, `shell_exec(`, `benchmark(`, `sleep(`, `union(`, `)select`, `file_get_contents`, `allow_url_include`, `disable_functions`, `auto_prepend_file`, `open_basedir` * New addon: Reset Patterns (mu-plugin) * Adds filter hook: `bbq_i18n_locale` * Improves `load_i18n()` for better translation loading * Updates `EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater` to [version 1.6.13]( * Regenerates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 4.9 = 1.8.1 (2017/08/13) = * Improves test-URL functionality * Removes some redundant patterns: `.exec(`, `.aspx`, `);$(this).html(`, `/playing.php`, `/pingserver.php` * Tests on WordPress 4.9 (alpha) = 1.8 (2017/07/30) = * Adds support for CIDR notation for whitelist IPs * New installs automatically add server IP address to whitelist setting * Updates Help tab on plugin settings page * Replaces jQuery `.live()` with `.on()` * Tests on WordPress 4.9 (alpha) = 1.7 (2017/03/28) = * Tweaks CSS on BBQ settings page * Adds new filter hook `bbq_ip_keys` * Changes link/URL on BBQ License page * Updates the licensing updater script * Adds some missing translation strings * Adds French translation (thanks to Bouzin) * Enables wildcard matching for whitelisted IPs * Replaces global `$wp_version` with `get_bloginfo('version')` * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress version 4.8 = 1.6 (2016/11/21) = * Replaced `esc_url` with `esc_url_raw` in `bbq()` * Added missing default setting for `whitelist_ips` * Added `/bin/bash` to Advanced Request URIs * Removed default styles for abbr on plugin page * Changed stable tag from trunk to latest version * Tested on WordPress version 4.7 (beta) = 1.5 (2016/08/16) = New patterns available! See "Upgrade Notice" in readme.txt. * Improved IP-detection protocols for better accuracy * Added setting to optionally whitelist any IP addresses * Added new filter hook, `bbq_ip_filter` * Updates [WP Admin Notices]( * Replaced `_e()` with `esc_html_e()` or `esc_attr_e()` * Replaced `__()` with `esc_html__()` or `esc_attr__()` * Improved translation support * Renamed `/lang/` to `/languages/` * Generated new translation template * Changed text-domain from "bbq" to "bbq-pro" * Replaced BBQ Pro icon with hi-rez/retina version * Added ".aspx" to Basic patterns * Replaced "proc/self/environ" with "self/environ" in Basic patterns * Removed "docomo" from Advanced UA patterns * Added "seekerspider" to Advanced UA patterns * Replaced "muieblackcat" with "muieblack" in Advanced patterns * Added "/shell.php", "benchmark(", "sleep(", "&pws=0", ".bak" to Advanced patterns * Tested on WordPress 4.6 = 1.4 (2016/03/28) = New patterns available! See "Upgrade Notice" in readme.txt. * Added "sitesucker" to Basic UA patterns * Added "base64(" to Basic Request URI and Query String patterns * Renamed bbq_core to bbq__core to avoid conflict with free version * Improved system checks for required WP version and free version * Added (array) to $bbq_patterns loop in bbq-core.php * Updated handling of license update status * Updated License screen interface * Updated plugin updater class to 1.6.3 * Tested on WordPress 4.5 beta = 1.3.1 (2015/11/23) = * Added isset() to check for new strict_mode setting = 1.3 (2015/11/18) = New patterns available! See "Upgrade Notice" in readme.txt. * Added !$array['enable'] to loop() function * rawurldecode() no longer enabled by default * Added "Strict Mode" to enable rawurldecode() * Added missing validation for limit_request * Updated Contextual Help tab information * Added "acapbot" and "semalt" to UA patterns * Added "morfeus" and "snoopy" to UA patterns * Added "__hdhdhd.php" to URI patterns * update heading hierarchy on settings page * Added settings_errors() to settings page * Now using admin_notices for alerts * Admin notices now dismissible * Added bbq_patterns_admin_notice() * Added bbq_tools_admin_notice() * Added bbq_license_admin_notice() * Added bbq_scan hook (can be used for [logging]( * Added total active pattern counts * Added bbq_active_count() function * Changed hook for bbq_reset_defaults to admin_init * Update heading hierarchy on settings page * Updated translation template file * Updated minimum version requirement * General code cleanup and testing * Tested with WordPress 4.4 beta = 1.2 (2015/07/15) = * Bugfix: Admin Area inaccessible to non-admin-level users = 1.1 (2015/07/05) = * Bugfix: disabled patterns not disabled * Updated contextual help * New language template = 1.0 (2015/06/25) = * Initial release