Changelog for GA Google Analytics > __Tip:__ Use a free markdown tool like to convert the changelog to a more readable format. > __Tip:__ Check announcement posts for details about pro updates and related news: **20240308** * Updates plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Improves plugin docs/readme.txt * Tests on WordPress 6.5 (beta) **20231101** * Updates default translation template * Updates custom banner notice * Tests on WordPress 6.4 (beta) **20230721** * Improves support panel logic * Improves localization function * Updates default translation template * Adds custom notice on settings page * Improves plugin documentation * Tests on WordPress 6.3 (beta) **20230306** * Tweaks settings UI * Improves responsive styles * Improves logic when calling `get_current_screen()` * Moves WP Resources panel to its own function * Removes SES Pro from WP Resources panel * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 + 6.2 (beta) * Tests on PHP 8.1 and 8.2 **20221016** * Changes default tracking method to Google Tag * Improves plugin settings page details * Improves plugin documentation * Updates translation template **20221008** * Adds [link/info]( in plugin settings (Google deprecating Universal Analytics) * Updates translation template **20221002** * __Note:__ Google renamed "Global Site Tag" to "Google Tag" * Updates various plugin links to latest Google documentation * Deprecates Universal Analytics `analytics.js` ([learn more]( * Adds custom footer text to plugin settings * Improves plugin settings page details * Improves plugin documentation * Updates "Show Support" panel * Updates translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 **20220517** * Changes hook `gapro_tracker_object_universal` to `ga_google_analytics_tracker_object_universal` * Changes hook `gapro_tracker_object_global` to `ga_google_analytics_tracker_object_global` * Adds `%%username%%` to get current user_login name * Adds GA4 information to "How to Use" panel * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.0 **20220124** * Adds filter hook `gapro_tracker_object_universal` * Adds filter hook `gapro_tracker_object_global` * Tests on WordPress 5.9 **20220123** * Updates support panel * Improves loading of translations * Updates some links to external resources * Changes minimum required WP version to 4.6 * Tests on WordPress 5.9 **20210719** * Improves readme/documentation * Tests on WordPress 5.8 **20210211** * Tests on WordPress 5.7 **20201120** * Supports Google Analytics 4 * Updates readme/docs with GA 4 infos * Tweaks `validate_settings()` * Tests on PHP 7.4 and 8.0 * Tests on WordPress 5.6 **20200815** * Adds short URL ID comment to source code * Adds filter hook `ga_google_analytics_script_atts` * Adds filter hook `ga_google_analytics_script_atts_ext` * Adds return error if user enters `GTM-` tracking code * Improves sanitization of options output * Updates default translation template * Refines plugin setting page styles * Refines readme/documentation * Tests on WordPress 5.5 **20200325** * Fixes bug with `auto` parameter * Tests on WordPress 5.4 **20200319** * Adds filter hook `ga_google_analytics_options_array` * Adds filter hook `ga_google_analytics_enable_auto` * Tests on WordPress 5.4 **20191109** * Tightens output/display of tracking code * Improves sanitization for plugin options * Updates styles for plugin settings page * Improves clarity of settings page infos * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.3 **20190902** * Changes order of custom code output * Improves output of GA tracking markup * Improves clarity of settings information * Updates some links to https * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.3 (alpha) **20190501** * Bumps [minimum PHP version]( to 5.6.20 * Updates Link Attribution tracking code * Tweaks plugin settings screen content * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.2 **20190311** * Adds support for GA User Opt-Out * Adds GA Pro link to `action_links()` * Adds Homepage link to `plugin_links()` * Adds check for admin user for settings shortcut link * Custom GA Code now outputs before any calls to `ga()`/`gtag()` * Refines plugin settings screen UI and information * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.1 and 5.2 (alpha) **20190220** * Just a version bump for compat with WP 5.1 * Full update coming soon :) **20180828** * Corrects incorrect syntax for gtag tacking code * Further tests on WP versions 4.9 and 5.0 (alpha) **20180816** * Adds `rel="noopener noreferrer"` to all [blank-target links]( * Updates GDPR blurb and donate link * Improves support for WP-CLI ([details]( * Refines some option descriptions on the settings page * Enables display of Custom Code when tracking is disabled * Updates plugin screenshots for WordPress Plugin Directory * Regenerates default translation template * Further tests on WP versions 4.9 and 5.0 (alpha) **20180506** * Bugfix: changes `anonymizeIP` to `anonymizeIp` for analytics.js * Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha) **20180303** * Refactors code base * Removes deprecated notice * Simplifies plugin settings * Adds support for Global Site Tag (`gtag.js`) * Makes it easier to reset default plugin options * Changes Text Domain from `gap` to `ga-google-analytics` * Generates new translation template * Improves plugin settings page UI * Updates plugin settings images * Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha) **20171103** * Removes extra `manage_options` check for plugin settings * Tests on WordPress 4.9 **20171021** * Adds setting to display Custom head code before or after the GA tracking code * Updates tracking URL from `//` to `https://` for Universal Analytics * Updates default/example tracking ID from `UA-XXXXX-Y` to `UA-XXXXX-X` * Adds `%%userid%%` shortcode for "Custom GA Code" setting * Adds filter hook `gap_custom_code` for "Custom GA Code" setting * Fixes PHP warning for "extract() expects parameter 1 to be array" * Fixes code escaping bug for custom code and tracker settings * Adds extra `manage_options` capability check to modify settings * Streamlines Support panel in plugin settings * Regenerates default translation template * Improves display of plugin settings * Tests on WordPress 4.9 **20170731** * Updates GPL license blurb * Adds GPL license text file * Tests on WordPress 4.9 (alpha) **20170324** * Updates the show support panel * Tweaks settings UI panel display * Edits some plugin settings for clarity * Replaces global `$wp_version` with `get_bloginfo('version')` * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress version 4.8 **20161116** * Adds info to deprecation nag on plugin settings page * Adds info to the Overview panel on plugin settings page * Changes stable tag from trunk to latest version * Adds translation support for some missing strings * Updates plugin author URL * Updates Twitter link URL * Refactors `add_gap_links()` function * Updates URL for rate this plugin links * Regenerates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress version 4.7 (beta) **20160831** * Renamed the plugin back to its original name, GA Google Analytics * Revised labels for first two "enable-GA" settings for clarity * Regenerated translation template **20160810** * Renamed menu link from "GA Plugin" to "Google Analytics" * Renamed plugin from "GA Google Analytics" to "(GA) Google Analytics" * Replaced `_e()` with `esc_html_e()` or `esc_attr_e()` * Replaced `__()` with `esc_html__()` or `esc_attr__()` * Streamlined and optimized plugin settings page * Added plugin icons and larger banner image * Improved translation support * Tested on WordPress 4.6 **20160331** * Replaced GA Logo with retina version * Added screenshot to readme/docs * Added retina version of plugin banner * Updated readme.txt with fresh infos * Tested on WordPress version 4.5 beta **20151109** * Tested on WordPress 4.4 (beta) * Updated minimum version requirement * Updated heading hierarchy on settings page * Added option to disable GA for admin users (Thanks to [Daniele Raimondi]( * Added support for IP anonymization (Thanks to [Daniele Raimondi]( * Added support for Force SSL (Thanks to [Česlav Przywara]( * Cleaned up some "Undefined index" Notices * Removed 404 link from Important Notice panel * Updated Google links in the Overview panel * Refined google_analytics_tracking_code() * Updated default GA ID, UA-XXXXX-Y * Added default tracker object, "auto" * Updated Google URLs in the readme.txt * Updated Google URLs in the Options panel * Updated info about adding custom trackers * Added support for custom GA code * General code cleanup and testing **20150808** * Tested on WordPress 4.3 * Updated minimum version requirement **20150507** * Tested with WP 4.2 + 4.3 (alpha) * Changed a few "http" links to "https" * Added isset() to eliminate some PHP warnings **20150314** * Tested with latest version of WP (4.1) * Increased minimum version to WP 3.8 * Added Text Domain and Domain Path to file header * Streamline/fine-tune plugin code * Removed valign="top" from settings page * Added option to enable GA reporting in Admin Area * Added alert/notice on settings page about Universal Analytics * Removed deprecated screen_icon() * Replaced default .mo/.po templates with .pot template **20140922** * Tested with latest version of WP (4.0) * Increased minimum version to WP 3.7 * Added conditional check for min-version function * Added optional field to display any other codes * Improved layout and terminology of settings page * Updated GA code for Display Advertising * Added support for Enhanced Link Attribution * Added support for Tracker Objects * Refactored google_analytics_tracking_code() * Updated mo/po translation files **20140123** * Tested with latest WordPress (3.8) * Added trailing slash to load_plugin_textdomain() **20131107** * Added uninstall.php file * Added "rate this plugin" links * Added support for i18n **Version 20131104** * Added line to check for WP, prevent direct loading of script * Added support for [Display Advertising]( * Added support for [Universal Analytics/Analytics.js]( * Removed closing "?>" from ga-google-analytics.php * Tested with the latest version of WordPress (3.7) **Version 20130705** * Added option to display in header or footer * Overview and Updates admin panels toggled open by default * Implemented translation support * Added info to settings page * General plugin check and code tuning **Version 20130103** * Added margins to submit buttons (now required in WP 3.5) **Version 20121102** * Revamped plugin settings page * Fine-tuned and further tested * Fleshed out documentation * New graphics and copy **Version 20120409** * Initial release.