Changelog for Prismatic > __Tip:__ Use a free markdown tool like to convert the changelog to a more readable format. > __Tip:__ Check announcement posts for details about pro updates and related news: **3.4.2 (2024/03/02)** * Updates plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Improves plugin docs/readme.txt * Tests on WordPress 6.5 (beta) **3.4.1 (2023/10/25)** * Updates default translation template * Updates custom banner notice * Tests on WordPress 6.4 (beta) **3.4 (2023/07/11)** * Improves plugin CSS styles * Improves localization function * Improves `plugin_links` function * Updates Highlight.js to version 11.7.0 * Adds Highlight.js languages: GraphQL, PHP Template, WebAssembly * Adds custom notice on settings page * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.3 (beta) **3.3 (2023/02/27)** * Improves responsive styles on settings page * Improves logic for `prismatic_add_quicktags()` * Improves logic when calling `get_current_screen()` * Removes SES Pro from WP Resources panel * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 + 6.2 (beta) * Tests on PHP 8.1 and 8.2 **3.2.2 (2022/10/08)** * Bug fix: custom CSS not loading on all pages * Updates translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 **3.2.1 (2022/09/28)** * Fixes bug with HTML/markup not highlighting for Prism.js * Tests on WordPress 6.1 **3.2 (2022/09/26)** * Adds option to include custom CSS ([Thanks]( [@golinuxcloud]( * Fixes bug with `get_current_screen()` ([Thanks]( [@golinuxcloud]( * Adds CSS/HTML/JS to PHP language script (Prism.js) ([Thanks]( [@truxton]( * Fixes Quicktags script to load only on Edit Post screens * Removes unused theme from Highlight options * Updates Highlight.js to version 11.6.0 * Adds Highlight.js langauges: Matlab, vim * Updates Prism.js to version 1.29.0 * Adds Prism.js languages: Matlab, vim * Adds WP Resources panel on settings screens * Adds "Show Support" link to plugin settings * Adds custom footer text to plugin settings * Improves plugin documentation * Updates translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 **3.1.1 (2022/05/26)** * Fixes error [QTags is not defined]( * Tests on WordPress 6.1 alpha **3.1 (2022/05/15)** * Updates Highlight.js to version 11.5.1 * Adds Highlight.js langauges: Julia, LaTeX, Verilog, VHDL * Changes `initHighlightingOnLoad()` to `highlightAll()` * Changes class name `language-avr` to `language-avrasm` * Updates Prism.js to version 1.28.0 * Adds Prism.js languages: Julia, Verilog, VHDL * Updates all Prism.js plugin scripts * Makes language list filterable in blocks (Thanks [n8finch]( * Updates Prismatic block scripts for WP 6.0 * Tests on WordPress 6.0 **3.0 (2022/01/13)** * Updates Highlight.js to version 11.4.0 * Updates/removes some Highlight.js themes * Adds Highlight.js langauges: AVR Assembly, SAS * Updates Prism.js to version 1.26.0 * Updates all Prism plugins and themes * Adds Prism.js languages: AVR Assembly, SAS, SPARQL, Turtle * Cleans up custom plugin-styles based on new scripts * Fixes error when changing Highlight themes * Improves loading of translations * Improves plugin documentation * Updates some links to external resources * Changes minimum required WP version to 4.6 * Tests on WordPress 5.9 **2.9.1 (2021/07/20)** * Fixes bug with script enqueue on widgets screen * Further tests on WordPress 5.8 **2.9 (2021/07/16)** * Fixes code-escaping bug with Prismatic block * Restores monospaced font for Prismatic block * Improves front-end code escaping * Tests on WordPress 5.8 **2.8 (2021/06/14)** __Important:__ This version of Prismatic changes its code escaping functionality. Please make sure to test thoroughly after upgrading, and report any issues asap. Thank you. Thanks to Erwan at []( for helping to improve the security of this plugin. * Improves escaping of code content * Improves/simplifies plugin settings * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.7 **2.7 (2021/02/09)** * Updates Highlight.js to version 10.5.0 * Adds several new Highlight.js themes * Adds Highlight.js langauges: C, Less, Properties, Python REPL, SCSS, VB.Net * Updates Prism.js to version 1.23.0 * Adds Prism.js plugin, [Command Line]( * Adds Prism.js languages: Splunk SPL, PowerQuery * Improves loading of `prismatic-blocks` stylesheet (Thanks [@hwk-fr]( * Fixes bug with Visual Editor and code escaping * Fixes bug with jQuery modal styles * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.7 **2.6 (2020/11/10)** * Adds option to disable the Prismatic block stylesheet * Adds `[prismatic_code]` shortcode for [nested code tags]( * Updates plugin script to account for changes in jQuery UI * Fixes PHP Warnings re: `preg_split()` and `count()` * Fixes bug with Visual Editor button and contributors * Fixes bug with Visual Editor and code escaping (Thanks [@mgongee]( * Improves the appearance of the plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Tests on PHP 7.4 and 8.0 * Tests on WordPress 5.6 **2.5 (2020/08/07)** Prism.js * Updates Prism.js to version 1.21.0 * Updates all Prism plugins and themes * Adds languages: Elixir, G-code, HCL, Liquid, R, Solidity * Adds markup aliases (html, xml, svg, mathml, ssml, atom, rss) Highlight.js * Updates Highlight.js to version 10.1.2 * Updates all Highlight.js styles * Adds languages: Elixir, G-code, R * Removes `darkula` stylesheet and option * Adds styles `lioshi`, `nnfx`, `nnfx-dark`, `srcery` * Bugfix: Adds missing style options to settings menu * Bugfix: Adds missing `plaintext` to code block options General * Refines readme/documentation * Tests on WordPress 5.5 **2.4 (2020/03/13)** * Upgrades Prism.js library to version 1.19.0 * Upgrades Highlight.js library to version 9.18.1 * Adds Shell Session, Batch, Rust languages to Prism.js * Adds Rust language to Highlight.js * Fixes PHP warnings about `strpos()` and `preg_split()` * Adds version number to enqueued scripts and styles * Fine tunes language and copy code button styles * Tests on WordPress 5.4 **2.3 (2019/10/27)** * Updates styles for plugin settings page * Fixes bug with older versions of WordPress * Adds "copy code to clipboard" button for Prism.js * Adds support for Prism.js highlighting in ACF fields * Adds support for `language-none` for Prism.js * Generates new default translation template * Updates documentation with further infos * Tests on WordPress 5.3 **2.2 (2019/08/16)** * Resolves several warnings in PHP 7+ * Adds `prismatic_get_default_options()` * Adds Quicktag button for plain-text editor * Adds TinyMCE buttons for Prism.js and Highlight.js * Adds Blocks for Prism.js, Highlight.js, and Plain Flavor * Changes priority of content filter in `prismatic_add_filters()` * Updates Highlight.js core to version 9.15.9 * Adds YAML language for Highlight.js * Updates Prism.js core to version 1.17.1 * Adds TSX language for Prism.js * Updates some links to https * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.3 (alpha) **2.1 (2019/04/28)** * Bumps [minimum PHP version]( to 5.6.20 * Adds Arduino language for Prism.js * Updates Prism.js to latest version 1.16.0 * Updates Prism.js script for Java langauge * Updates Prism.js themes and plugins * Adds Arduino language for Highlight.js * Adds GML language for Highlight.js * Updates all Highlight.js stylesheets * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.2 **2.0 (2019/03/06)** * Updates Highlight.js to latest version 9.15.6 * Adds Highlight.js languages: D, Dart, Scala * Adds 10 new Highlight.js themes * Updates Prism.js to latest version 1.15.0 * Adds Prism.js languages: D, JSX, Dart, Scala * Adds check for admin user for settings shortcut link * Tweaks plugin settings screen UI * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.1 and 5.2 (alpha) **1.9 (2019/02/02)** * Just a version bump for compat with WP 5.1 * Full update coming soon :) **1.8 (2018/11/14)** * Fixes bug: Invalid argument foreach() resources-enqueue.php line 267 * Adds homepage link to Plugins screen * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.0 (beta) **1.7 (2018/08/17)** * Adds `rel="noopener noreferrer"` to all [blank-target links]( * Updates GDPR blurb and donate link * Tweaks appearance of plugin settings page * Generates new default translation template * Further tests on WP versions 4.9 and 5.0 (alpha) **1.6/1.6.1 (2018/05/07)** * Updates Prism.js from 1.11 to 1.14 * Adds new Prism theme: "Tomorrow Night" * Adds Prism language support for Go `go`, VBA `visual-basic`, Pascal `pascal` * Adds Highlight language support for Go `go` * Improves support for Gutenberg Editor * Removes unused font file, `FontAwesome.otf` * Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha) **1.5 (2017/10/22)** * Adds "Requires PHP" to plugin file headers * Tests on WordPress 4.9 **1.4 (2017/07/31)** * Fixes several PHP Warnings * Updates Highlight.js to version 9.12.0 * Adds new languages for Highlight.js and Prism.js * Adds GPL license text file * Tests on WordPress 4.9 (alpha) **1.3 (2017/03/24)** * Updates some URLs to HTTPS * Updates Prism.js to version 1.6 * Updates Highlight.js to version 9.11.0 * Adds new languages for Highlight.js and Prism.js * Tweaks plugin settings styles * Replaces global `$wp_version` with `get_bloginfo('version')` * Tests on WordPress version 4.8 **1.2 (2016/11/16)** * Adds support for AppleScript in Highlight.js * Updates plugin URL in core files and readme.txt * Changes stable tag from trunk to latest version * Adds `»` to rate this link on Plugins screen * Adds strong tags to admin notices on settings page * Refines styles for popup dialog on settings page * Tests on WordPress version 4.7 (beta) **1.1 (2016/10/24)** * Updates/adds some links * Updates default language file * Tests on WordPress version 4.7 (alpha) **1.0 (2016/10/21)** * Initial release