Changelog for SAC Pro > __Tip:__ Use a free markdown tool like to convert the changelog to a more readable format. > __Tip:__ Check announcement posts for details about pro updates and related news: **1.6.3 (2024/07/12)** * Fixes bug with `dismiss_notice_link` * Updates plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.6 (beta) **1.6.2 (2024/04/04)** * Fixes bug with cookie timeout * Fixes bug with error: missing form data * Tests on WordPress 6.5 **1.6.1 (2024/03/26)** * Fixes bug with banned phrases * Adds filter hook `sacpro_date_format` * Updates plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Improves plugin docs/readme.txt * Tests on WordPress 6.5 (beta) **1.6 (2023/11/04)** * Improves font-icon CSS styles * Improves localization function * Adds custom notice on settings page * Replaces `DOING_CRON` with `wp_doing_cron()` * Improves `simple_ajax_chat_pro_license_status()` * Improves JavaScript on settings page * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.4 (beta) **1.5.1 (2023/07/16)** * Fixes "Uncaught TypeError: property_exists()" * Tests on WordPress 6.3 (beta) **1.5 (2023/03/22)** * Adds support for "Reset Users" addon * Improves .htaccess rules for export files * Fixes bug: ctype_alnum(): Argument of type int * Fixes bug: missing styles for custom user roles * Fixes bug: table created only for admin users * Fixes bug: exclamation points getting removed * Adds Banned Phrases pattern `%%email%%` * Adds Banned Phrases pattern `%%any_character%%` * Adds Banned Phrases pattern `%%any_characters%%` * Adds Banned Phrases pattern `%%any_number%%` * Adds Banned Phrases pattern `%%any_numbers%%` * Improves logic when calling `get_current_screen()` * Adds license status message to plugin screens * Improves handling of license activation * Improves handling of license constants * Adds note about `$ip_keys` filter hook * Updates Font Awesome styles * Updates plugin Help tab information * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 + 6.2 (beta) * Tests on PHP 8.1 and 8.2 **1.4.1 (2022/11/14)** * Fixes bug with non-Admins unable to log in * Tests on WordPress 6.1 **1.4 (2022/10/20)** * Updates `EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater` script * Adds option to display input field or textarea * Adds shortcode to display number of chat messages * Adds support for `SACPRO_LICENSE` via `wp-config.php` * Improves handling of `$allowedposttags` variable * Improves validation of custom content settings * Adds custom footer text to plugin settings * Improves contextual help information * Improves plugin documentation * Updates translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.1 **1.3 (2022/09/12)** * Fixes database error with user_id at * Tests on WordPress 6.1 (alpha) **1.2 (2022/07/23)** * Enables online-users widget to display number of active users * Fixes bug with multibyte characters in chat names * Fixes bug with encoding/decoding form data * Fixes bug with browser notifications * Improves styles for new chat messages * Changes form ID of the dashboard chat * Improves appearance of dashboard chat * Updates default translation template * Updates plugin Help tab information * Updates documentation/readme.txt * Tests on WordPress 6.1 (alpha) **1.1 (2022/07/07)** * Fixes bug with deleted chats and duplicate chats * Improves security of SQL query for chat refresh * Updates some links in plugin documentation * Tests on WordPress 6.1 (alpha) **1.0 (2022/06/30)** * Initial release