=== SES Pro === Plugin Name: SES Pro Plugin URI: https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/ Description: Premium Ajax-powered signup form for DIY email campaigns, newsletters, and more. Tags: email, signup, newsletter, subscribers, ajax, opt-in, smtp, popup Author: Jeff Starr Contributors: specialk Author URI: https://plugin-planet.com/ Donate link: https://monzillamedia.com/donate.html Requires at least: 4.1 Tested up to: 5.7 Stable tag: 3.0 Version: 3.0 Requires PHP: 5.6.20 Text Domain: ses-pro Domain Path: /languages License: The SES Pro license is comprised of two parts (see "License" section below) SES Pro empowers you to manage your own email campaigns and newsletters with unlimited Ajax-powered signup forms. == Description == > Unlimited Ajax-powered signup forms. ### Description ### * SES Pro empowers you to manage your own email campaigns and newsletters with unlimited Ajax-powered signup forms. * Add a full-featured double opt-in newsletter to any page in seconds. Send unlimited emails with NO monthly fees or restrictions. * SES Pro is designed for smaller scale, DIY admins who want full control over email subscribers without relying on a 3rd-party service. * Perfect for building your own lists of subscribers, create awesome emails with the visual editor, and send them for free. No limits! * SES Pro ships with 10 predefined form styles that are fully customizable via live CSS editor, so you can fine-tune or roll your own. * Each form style may be used with any number of forms, displayed anywhere on your site via shortcode or template tag. ### Feature Summary ### * Features unlimited customizable Ajax-powered signup forms, plus lightbox/popup forms and slide-in forms * Easily configure settings, customize forms, manage subscribers, compose messages, and send email * SES Pro uses native WordPress functionality and is built with the WP API for optimum usability, flexibility, performance, and security * SES Pro gives you full control to manage your own email campaigns with no third-party service or fees ### Main Features ### * Easy setup with zero coding skills required * Ajax-powered signup forms and settings screens * Add signup forms via shortcodes and/or template tags * No restrictions on subscribers, emails, or anything * Display unlimited number of signup forms anywhere * Includes 10 predefined, customizable form styles * Add signup forms anywhere via text widget * Live preview style editor for all forms * Super slick email sending interface * Slide-in signup forms * Lightbox/popup forms * Single or double opt-in * One-click easy opt-out * Robust email/newsletter editor * Smart email sending via Mail or SMTP * Send email attachments and inline images * Compose and send email in HTML or plain-text * Send each newsletter to custom CC/BCC recipients * Add unsubscribe link to any email via shortcode * Import and export subscribers/emails with no limits * Add, edit, and delete subscribers from the WP Admin Area * Send test email to test subscribers * Option to auto-send welcome email for each form * Customize welcome and opt-in emails for each form * Custom error messages for each form * Custom success message for each form * Full language/translation support * Supports three custom form fields in addition to name and email * Custom form IDs for each form to create unique campaigns * Super-tight, super-secure construction via the WP API * Perfect for small sites who want to grow awesome lists * Automatically resume interrupted sending of email * Precision script loading for better performance * Google fonts support for advanced form styling * Developer friendly, lots of hooks to play with * Includes a set of sample subscribers (CSV format) * Drop-dead easy to use for everyone * Robust, hearty documentation :) ### Privacy ### __User Data:__ This plugin collects data submitted voluntarily by the user. Depending on configuration, these data may include things like user IP address, name, email, etc. __Cookies:__ This plugin does not use any cookies. __Services:__ Except for Google reCaptcha (anti-spam form field), this plugin does not connect to any third-party locations or services. You can learn more about Google Privacy [here](https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US). == Screenshots == [Screenshots available at Plugin Planet](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/#screenshots) == Installation == ### Installing SES Pro ### 1. Download a zipped copy of SES Pro from Plugin Planet 2. Unzip and upload the /ses-pro/ folder to `/wp-content/plugins/` 3. Visit the WordPress Plugins screen to activate SES Pro 4. Visit SES Pro License to activate the license 5. Visit SES Pro Settings to configure options [Get started using SES Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro-quick-start/) [More info on installing WP plugins](https://wordpress.org/support/article/managing-plugins/#installing-plugins) ### More Infos ### * [SES Pro Homepage](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/) * [SES Pro readme.txt](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/files/ses-pro/readme.txt) * [SES Pro Documentation](https://plugin-planet.com/docs/ses/) * [SES Pro Quick Start Guide](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro-quick-start/) ### Upgrades ### Your purchase of SES Pro includes free lifetime upgrades, which include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. When an upgrade is available, WordPress will notify you in the Admin Area. When you see that there is an update available, just click "Update" and WordPress will perform the upgrade automatically. Note that you can [download the latest version of SES Pro at Plugin Planet](https://plugin-planet.com/download-purchased-plugin/) anytime at your convenience. ### Uninstalling ### SES Pro cleans up after itself. All plugin settings will be removed from the WordPress database when the plugin is uninstalled via the Plugins screen. == Upgrade Notice == This plugin has been tested and is 100% current with the latest version of WordPress. == Usage == ### Short Story ### * To configure basic options, visit SES Pro settings * To add a form to any post/page, use the shortcode, `[ses_pro]` * To customize the form, you can add attributes to the shortcode * To manage subscribers, visit Subscribers * To customize form style, visit Form Styles * To create an email to send to your subscribers, visit SES Email (located in its own submenu) * To send an email to your subscribers, visit Send Email ### Long Story ### First visit the SES License screen, where you will acitvate the plugin license. Then take a tour of the SES Pro settings, where you will find the following screens: * Settings - choose options for JavaScript, Google Fonts, Subscribers, Custom Fields, and SMTP settings * Form Styles - choose and customize form styles, including full control over shortcodes, JavaScript, and CSS * Subscribers - manage your subscriber list with tools for adding, editing, deleting, importing and exporting * Send Email - slick three-click interface for sending your finely crafted emails to select subscribers Lastly, visit SES Email to create, customize, and manage the emails that you will send to subscribers: * Works just like the regular WP Post Editor, only you use it for crafting awesome emails * Select the email format, plain text or HTML, from the Email Options panel * Select the mail transport protocol, Mail, Sendmail, or SMTP, via the Email Options panel * You can add attachments to the email via the Media Library * If you set a featured image, it will be included automatically * To add custom CC/BCC recipients, add custom fields, `ses_email_cc`/`ses_email_bcc` * To add attachments, you have three choices: * Add an attachment via the Media Library by attaching any file to the SES Email * Add an attachment via Custom Field named ses_attach, with the file URL as the value * Add an attachment by setting a Featured Image for the SES Email (image file only) Now that you are familiarized with the plugin, it's time to put it to use: 1. Configure your options via SES Pro > Settings 2. Add a form to any post or page using the shortcode, `[ses_pro]` 3. Customize the form by adding attributes to the shortcode 4. Once some subscribers have signed up, you can manage them via the Subscribers screen 5. To customize form styles, visit the Form Styles screen 6. To create an email to send, visit SES Email (located in its own submenu) 7. Send an email to select subscribers via the Send Email screen ### Ways to Display a Signup Form ### * To add the form via shortcode, use `[ses_pro]` * To add the form via widget, add the `[ses_pro]` shortcode to the default Text widget that is included with WordPress * To add a form via theme template file, use the following tag: ` '1')); ?>` * Alternately, you can add a form via theme template file with: `` Tip: best practice when adding a template tag is to check first if the function exists, for example: That way, your theme page will continue to work even if/when the plugin is disabled. == List of Shortcodes == SES Pro includes the following shortcodes, which each have a set of attributes for customizing output, etc. * `[ses_unsub]` - adds an unsubscribe link to any SES Email (via SES Email screen in the WP Admin Area), list of attributes: * landing - the landing page for unsubscribers, for example: landing="https://example.com/landing-page-for-unsubscribers/?ses-unsub=success" * text - the link text for HTML email format, for example: text="Unsubscribe from this newsletter" * before - the text to appear before the unsubscribe link, for example: before="Want out? " * after - the text to appear after the subscribe link, for example: after=" (opens web page)" * `[ses_sub_alert]` - adds a message that is displayed when a subscribers clicks from an email to opt-in to your newsletter, list of attributes: * ses_alert_success - message that is displayed when the opt-in is a success, for example: ses_alert_success="Thank you, you are now opted in!" * ses_alert_failure - message that is displayed when the opt-in is a failure, for example: ses_alert_failure="There was an error, please contact the Admin for help." * `[ses_unsub_alert]` - adds a message that is displayed when a subscribers clicks from an email to opt-out/unsubscribe from your newsletter, list of attributes: * ses_alert_success - message that is displayed when the opt-out is a success, for example: ses_alert_success="Great, you are now unsubscribed from the best ever." * ses_alert_failure - message that is displayed when the opt-out is a failure, for example: ses_alert_failure="There was an error, please contact the Admin for help." * `[ses_pro]` - displays a signup form, list of attributes: * prepend - text/markup displayed before the form input fields, for example: prepend="{h4}Subscribe Now!!!{/h4}" * midpend - text/markup displayed before the form submit button, for example: midpend="{p}You will receive an email after signing up.{/p}" * append - text/markup displayed after the form submit button, for example: append="{p}{small}Easy unsubscribe anytime.{/small}{/p}" * display_name - whether or not the "Name" field should be displayed, either "true" or "false", default: true * placeholder_name - text to use for the Name placeholder, default: "Name" * label_name - text to use for the Name label, default: "Name: " * display_email - whether or not the "Email" field should be displayed, either "true" or "false", default: true * placeholder_email - text to use for the Email placeholder, default: "Email" * label_email - text to use for the Email label, default: "Email: " * display_cf1 - whether or not the "Custom Field 1" field should be displayed, either "true" or "false", default: false * placeholder_cf1 - text to use for the Custom Field 1 placeholder, default: "Custom Field 1" * label_cf1 - text to use for the Custom Field 1 label, default: "Custom Field 1: " * display_cf2 - whether or not the "Custom Field 2" field should be displayed, either "true" or "false", default: false * placeholder_cf2 - text to use for the Custom Field 2 placeholder, default: "Custom Field 2" * label_cf2 - text to use for the Custom Field 2 label, default: "Custom Field 2: " * display_cf3 - whether or not the "Custom Field 3" field should be displayed, either "true" or "false", default: false * placeholder_cf3 - text to use for the Custom Field 3 placeholder, default: "Custom Field 3" * label_cf3 - text to use for the Custom Field 3 label, default: "Custom Field 3: " * display_submit - whether or not the "Submit button" should be displayed, either "true" or "false", default: true * button_submit - text to use for the Submit button, default: "Submit Button" * button_reset - text to use for the Reset button, when "display_form" attribute is set to "reset", default: "Reset" * display_thanks_js - whether to display the success message as a JavaScript popup, either "true" or "false", default: false * message_thanks - text to use for the success message, default: "Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email to confirm your subscription." * error_name - text to display when there is an error with the "Name" field, default: "Please provide a valid name (you may use hyphens, spaces, periods, and alphanumeric characters)" * error_email - text to display when there is an error with the "Email" field, default: "Please enter a valid email address" * error_dups - text to display when a duplicate email address is detected, default: "Email address already subscribed, thank you!" * error_captcha - text to display when the user fails to complete the reCAPTCHA correctly, default: "Incorrect response for the captcha." * error_cf1 - text to display when there is an error with the "Custom Field 1" field, default: "Please enter a value for Custom Field 1" * error_cf2 - text to display when there is an error with the "Custom Field 2" field, default: "Please enter a value for Custom Field 2" * error_cf3 - text to display when there is an error with the "Custom Field 3" field, default: "Please enter a value for Custom Field 3" * error_general - text to display when there is a general error, default: "There has been an error. Please try again or contact the site admin for help." * display_form - how the form should be displayed after a successful submission, either "full", "reset", or "none", default: none * icon_url - the URL to the loading icon for Ajax form submission, default: "https://example.com/path-to/wp-content/plugins/ses-pro/img/loading.gif" * double_optin - whether or not double opt-in should be enabled for the form, either "true" or "false", default: true * optin_from - the email address to use for the "From" field in the opt-in email, default: the admin email address * optin_subject - the subject line to use for the opt-in email, default: "Please confirm your subscription to Blog Name" * optin_message - the message that should be included in the opt-in email, default: "Thank you for signing up! Please click the link to confirm your free subscription:" * form_id - alphanumeric Form ID that should be associated with all people who sign up via this particular form, default: 1 * signup_confirm - whether or not to send a signup confirmation/welcome email, either "true" or "false", default: true * signup_from - the email address to use for the "From" field in the confirmation email, default: the admin email address * signup_subject - the subject line to use for the confirmation email, default: "Thank you for subscribing!" * signup_message - the message that should be included in the confirmation email, default: "Thank you for subscribing to Blog Name" * sub_page - the URL to which successful double opt-in signups are directed to, default: https://your-site.com/?ses-sub=success * unsub_page - the URL to which successful double opt-out/unsubscribers are directed to, default: https://your-site.com/?ses-unsub=success * style - the form style that should be applied to the form (see the Form Styles screen in the WP Admin Area), default: 1 * custom_class - any custom class or space-separated classes that should be included in the outer/parent form tag, default: none * enable_popup - enable the lightbox/popup effect for the form, either "width,delay" or "false" to disable, default: "300,3000" (i.e., form width = 300px, popup delay = 3 seconds) * enable_slide - enable the slide-in effect for the form, either "width,delay" or "false" to disable, default: "300,3000" (i.e., form width = 300px, slide-in delay = 3 seconds) * display_captcha - whether or not the "reCAPTCHA" field should be displayed, either "true" or "false", default: false * label_captcha - text to use for the reCAPTCHA label, default: none **Notes** All attributes are optional, shortcodes all use default values when no attributes are specified. All `[ses_pro]` attributes also work for the `ses_pro()` template tag. For the attributes `prepend`, `midpend`, and `append`, `optin_message`, `signup_message`, you can use curly brackets to add HTML tags, for example: `{h3}This will be wrapped in an h3 tag{/h3}`. To add classes and other attributes to HTML included via curly brackets `{}`, you must use single quotes, for example: `{h3 class='my-custom-class'}This will be wrapped in an h3 tag{/h3}`. == Lightbox/Popup Effect == To enable a lightbox-style popup effect to any form: * Add the "enable_popup" attribute to the form shortcode, like so: `[ses_pro enable_popup="300,3000"]` * The first number refers to the width of the form, which can be determined by visiting the Form Styles screen * The second number refers to the delay interval, or the amount of time (in milliseconds) that should pass before the form "pops up" * Note that the popup will close automatically if the user clicks anywhere outside of it * You can also add an explicit "x" (close) button that will close the popup when clicked; to do so, just add the following to the "append" attribute: `[ses_pro enable_popup="300,3000" append="{a href='#' class='lightbox-close'}Close{/a}"]` Add that to any post or page and customize as needed. == Slide-In Effect == To enable a slick slide-in effect to any form: * Add the "enable_slide" attribute to the form shortcode, like so: `[ses_pro enable_slide="300,3000"]` * The first number refers to the width of the form, which can be determined by visiting the Form Styles screen * The second number refers to the delay interval, or the amount of time (in milliseconds) that should pass before the form "pops up" Note that the popup will close automatically if the user clicks anywhere outside of it. == CSS Selectors == Styling forms can be done easily via the Form Styles screen. You also can add styles via your theme's stylesheet, or any other stylesheet that is included on the page. For your reference, here is a complete list of CSS selectors that may be available (depending on how the form is configured): div#ses-pro {} div.ses-pro {} form.ses-pro-n {} /* where "n" = Form ID */ div.ses-prepend {} div.ses-midpend {} div.ses-append {} div.ses-response {} div.ses-loading {} div.ses-thanks {} div.ses-error {} div.ses-ajax {} div.ses-input {} div.ses-input input {} div.ses-name {} div.ses-email {} div.ses-cf1 {} div.ses-cf2 {} div.ses-cf3 {} div.ses-captcha {} div.g-recaptcha {} div.ses-submit {} div.ses-submit input {} div.ses-reset {} div.ses-reset a {} .ses-hidden {} div.lightbox {} div.lightbox-container {} Additionally, you may add your own custom classes via the shortcode attributes, "prepend", "midpend", "append", and "custom_class". == Frequently Asked Questions == Check out the [SES Pro FAQs](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro-faqs/) at Plugin Planet. ### Questions? Feedback? Bugs? ### There are two channels for getting help: * [Ask a question in the SES Pro Forum](https://plugin-planet.com/forum/ses/) ([login required](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php)) * [Send an email via the contact form](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/#contact) The contact form is best for direct support, bug reports, and feedback. == Resources == ### Getting started ### * [SES Pro Quick-Start Guide](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro-quick-start/) * [SES Pro Settings](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro-settings/) * [SES Pro Shortcodes](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro-shortcodes/) * [SES Pro Template Tags](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro-template-tags/) * [SES Pro FAQs](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro-faqs/) ### License Information ### * [Guide: Install Plugin](https://plugin-planet.com/install-plugin/) * [Guide: Get plugin license key](https://plugin-planet.com/get-license-key/) * [Guide: Activate Plugin License](https://plugin-planet.com/activate-deactivate-plugin-license/) * [More info on installing WP plugins](https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins) ### Further resources ### * [SES Pro Docs](https://plugin-planet.com/docs/ses/) * [SES Pro Forum](https://plugin-planet.com/forum/ses/) * [SES Pro Tutorials](https://plugin-planet.com/category/tuts+ses-pro/) * [SES Pro News](https://plugin-planet.com/category/news+ses-pro/) ### Feedback and downloads ### * [Bug reports, help requests, and feedback](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/#contact) * [Log in to your account for current downloads](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php) ### Screenshots and more ### * [Learn more about SES Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/) * [Screenshots and more available](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/#screenshots) Need help? Reach us anytime via our [contact form](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/#contact). == License == License: The SES Pro license comprises two parts: * __Part 1:__ Its PHP code is licensed under the GPL (v2 or later), like WordPress. [More info](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/). * __Part 2:__ Everything else (e.g., CSS, HTML, JavaScript, images, design) is licensed according to the purchased license. [More info](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/). Without prior written consent from Monzilla Media, you must NOT directly or indirectly: license, sub-license, sell, resell, or provide for free any aspect or component of Part 2. Further license information is available in the plugin directory, `/license/`, and [online](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/files/ses-pro/license.txt). __Upgrades:__ Your purchase of SES Pro includes free lifetime upgrades, which include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. Copyright 2021 Monzilla Media. All rights reserved. == Check out my other plugins == Free WordPress plugins: * [Banhammer](https://wordpress.org/plugins/banhammer/) * [Host Header Injection Fix](https://wordpress.org/plugins/host-header-injection-fix/) * [Blackhole for Bad Bots](https://wordpress.org/plugins/blackhole-bad-bots/) * [BBQ Firewall](https://wordpress.org/plugins/block-bad-queries/) * [Contact Coldform](https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-coldform/) * [Dashboard Widgets Suite](https://wordpress.org/plugins/dashboard-widgets-suite/) * [GA Google Analytics](https://wordpress.org/plugins/ga-google-analytics/) * [Head Meta Data](https://wordpress.org/plugins/head-meta-data/) * [Show Support Ribbon](https://wordpress.org/plugins/show-support-ribbon/) * [Simple Ajax Chat](https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-ajax-chat/) * [Simple Basic Contact Form](https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-basic-contact-form/) * [Simple Blog Stats](https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-blog-stats/) * [Simple Custom Content](https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-content/) * [Simple Feed Stats](https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-feed-stats/) * [User Submitted Posts](https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-submitted-posts/) * [Theme Switcha](https://wordpress.org/plugins/theme-switcha/) * [Prismatic](https://wordpress.org/plugins/prismatic/) Premium WordPress plugins: * [Banhammer Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/banhammer-pro/) - Monitor traffic and ban bad users and bots * [BBQ Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/bbq-pro/) - Fastest firewall plugin for WordPress * [Blackhole Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/blackhole-pro/) - Block bad bots in a virtual black hole * [GA Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/ga-google-analytics-pro/) - Connect WordPress to Google Analytics * [SES Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/) - Ajax-powered email signup forms * [USP Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/) - Advanced front-end forms More awesome plugins on the way :) == Changelog == **3.0 (2021/02/17)** * Refines readme/documentation * Tests on PHP 7.4 and 8.0 * Tests on WordPress 5.7 **2.9 (2020/11/29)** * Changes capability parameter for `ses_email` * Fixes bug when no google fonts specified * Fixes bug with loading.gif permissions * Improves appearance of settings screen * Updates license updater script * Tests on PHP 7.4 and 8.0 * Tests on WordPress 5.6 **2.8 (2020/08/25)** * Updates license updater script * Refines readme/documentation * Tests on WordPress 5.5 **2.7 (2020/03/31)** * Tests on WordPress 5.4 **2.6 (2019/11/22)** * Fixes bug where commas not allowed in custom fields * Updates styles for plugin settings page * Tests on WordPress 5.3 **2.5 (2019/09/08)** * Updates some links to https * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.3 (alpha) **2.4 (2019/05/02)** * Refines SES License screen UI * Bumps [minimum PHP version](https://codex.wordpress.org/Template:Server_requirements) to 5.6.20 * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.2 **2.3 (2019/03/21)** * Improves display of plugin License screen * Improves functionality for one-click plugin updates * Adds check for admin user for settings shortcut link * Refines plugin settings screen UI * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.1 and 5.2 (alpha) **2.2 (2018/11/18)** * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.0 (beta) **2.1 (2018/08/22)** * Adds `rel="noopener noreferrer"` to all [blank-target links](https://perishablepress.com/wordpress-blank-target-vulnerability/) * Updates GDPR blurb and donate link * Regenerates default translation template * Further tests on WP 4.9 and 5.0 (alpha) **2.0 (2018/05/11)** * Generates new translation template * Tests on WordPress 5.0 (alpha) **1.9 (2017/11/10)** * Adds "Email Format" option to enable HTML for opt-in and confirmation emails * Adds clean opt-in links when "Email Format" option is enabled * Adds filter hook, `ses_optin_link_text` * Improves escaping when using `$wpdb->prepare` * Removes unused function, `uninstall_plugin()` * Improves uninstall routine in `uninstall.php` * Improves table creation function, `install_database()` * Updates `EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater` to [version 1.6.13](https://bit.ly/2yqX3yu) * Adds filter hook: `ses_i18n_locale` * Improves `i18n_init()` for better translation loading * Regenerates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 4.9 **1.8 (2017/03/28)** * Adds filter hook `ses_with_front` * Adds filter hook `ses_default_email_format` * Adds filter hook `ses_default_email_transport` * Adds some missing translation strings * Adds French translation (thanks to Bouzin) * Adds new shortcode `[ses_view_email]` to display link back to the SES Email * Adds new filter hook `ses_view_email_shortcode` to filter view-email output * Changes to hide unsub and view shortcodes when viewing post directly * Fixes bug on plugin subscriber page when no subscribers in database * Fixes bug with shortcode format on the plugin subscriber page * Fixes bug in signup form when manually adding subscribers * Removes filter hook `ses_unsubscribe_string` * Updates the licensing updater script * Updates readme with current infos * Improves shortcode functionality * Replaces global `$wp_version` with `get_bloginfo('version')` * Generates new default translation template * Tests on WordPress version 4.8 **1.7 (2016/11/21)** * Refactored `enqueue_resources()` * Refactored `enqueue_resources_admin()` * Added `id` attributes to signup forms * Added reference links to plugin settings page * Removed default styles for `abbr` on plugin settings * Changed stable tag from trunk to latest version * Regenerated default language template * Tested on WordPress version 4.7 (beta) **1.6 (2016/08/18)** * Added Google reCAPTCHA * Added email blacklist feature * Updates [WP Admin Notices](https://digwp.com/2016/05/wordpress-admin-notices/) * Improved translation support * Renamed `/lang/` to `/languages/` * Generated new translation template * Changed text-domain from "ses" to "ses-pro" * Replaced `_e()` with `esc_html_e()` or `esc_attr_e()` * Replaced `__()` with `esc_html__()` or `esc_attr__()` * Fine-tuned License page * Bugfix: restore default settings not working * Bugfix: users unable to subscribe to more than one newsletter * Bugfix: reset-form button not working when SES JS not included * Added new form attributes: `label_captcha`, `display_captcha`, `error_captcha` * Added new hooks: `ses_captcha_params`, `ses_captcha_atts`, `ses_captcha_output` * Tested on WordPress 4.6 **1.5 (2016/04/11)** * Added default encoding UTF-8 when calling blog_charset * Removed quotes from Content-Type charset attribute value * Replaced activation call with get_option() * Removed plugin caption on settings pages * Revamped and restyled plugin License page * Added ability to include angle brackets in optin_message * Added ability to include angle brackets in signup_message * Updated Updater Class to version 1.6.3 * Replaced icon with retina version * Tested on WordPress version 4.5 beta **1.4 (2015/11/23)** * Added new minimalist form template (Style ID: #11) * Added ses_default_from_address filter for default $from address * Added ses_optin_headers and ses_confirm_headers filter hooks * Removed version query string from Google Fonts link tag * Improved clarity of admin notices, made dismissible * Optimized mail headers for optin_email() * Optimized mail headers for confirm_email() * Bugfix: Style tags not displayed when no styles are defined * Bugfix: JavaScript tags no displayed when no JavaScript is defined * Bugfix: Google fonts link tag not displayed when no fonts specified * Fixed incorrect setting description on main settings page * Replaced sanitize_text_field() with esc_url() enqueue_resources() * Removed redundant check for SSL in enqueue_resources() * Default $from address now array() in ses_send_email() * Updated headings hierarchy on plugin settings pages * Tested on WordPress version 4.4 (beta) * Regenerated new translation template **1.3 (2015/05/08)** * Fixes XSS vulnerability with add_query_arg() * Fixes incorrect image URLs in ses-forms.php * Tested with WP 4.2 + 4.3 (alpha) * Changes a few "http" links to "https" * Replaces template.mo/po with ses.pot * Revamps file header and readme.txt * Adds $labels array to $args for register_post_type() * Adds can_export param to $args for register_post_type() **1.2 (2015/03/29)** * Further testing on WP 4.2-beta2 **1.1 (2015/03/29)** * Fixes auto-updates * Revises readme.txt structure **1.0 (2015/03/01)** * Initial release