=== Simple Ajax Chat Pro === Plugin Name: Simple Ajax Chat Pro Plugin URI: https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro/ Description: Displays unlimited Ajax-powered chat forms and much more. Tags: ajax, chat, chat box, forum, instant message Author: Jeff Starr Author URI: https://plugin-planet.com/ Donate link: https://m0n.co/donate Contributors: specialk Requires at least: 4.8 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 1.6.3 Version: 1.6.3 Requires PHP: 5.6.20 Text Domain: simple-ajax-chat-pro Domain Path: /languages License: Simple Ajax Chat Pro license is comprised of two parts (see "License" section below for details) SAC Pro displays unlimited Ajax-powered chat forms packed with awesome features. == Description == > Unlimited Ajax-powered chat for WordPress > Fully self-hosted: No 3rd-party account required :) > The BEST standalone, persistent chat plugin Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) makes it easy for your visitors to chat with each other on your website. Simply add a shortcode to any post or page and done! Each chat form is fully customizable with many options, so you can create perfect chat boxes for your visitors. SAC Pro is a complete standalone multi-chat solution loaded with awesome features. It can do everything the [free version of SAC](https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-ajax-chat/) can do, plus much more: **Core Features** * Add chat form via simple shortcode * Customize each chat with unique features * Fully self-hosted: No 3rd-party account required * Create any number of chat forms and display anywhere * Six built-in form styles, or use custom styles * Robust chat management via plugin settings * Mute or ban users from any chat room * One-click restore plugin default options * One-click export chat messages in CSV format * CSV exports contain detailed chat information * Translation ready **Chat Features** * Customizable emoji picker * Display user avatars * Browser notifications * Bang (!bang) shortcuts * Sound alerts for chat messages * Email notifications for chat messages * Get user info (IP address, user agent, etc.) * Option to disable collection of user info * Display chats as "read only" * Limit number of users * Max character counter * Display inline images * Dashboard chat widget * Users online widget * Require user login * Private chat boxes * Auto-clear chats **Security Features** * Google reCaptcha * Banned phrases * Banned user names * Mute any chat user * Ban any non-admin user * Optionally allow hyperlinks * Optionally allow basic markup * Optionally allow image URLs * Option to not collect sensitive user data * Option to not allow special characters **General Features** * Super easy to use * Built with WordPress APIs * Built with clean standards-compliant code * Built with vanilla JavaScript (jQuery not required) * Basic chat works even when JavaScript is disabled * Lightweight, fast and flexible chat forms * Focused on flexibility, performance, and security * Works with all mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.) * Works great with other WordPress plugins * Does not connect to any third-party locations * Includes all features of the free version * Simplest possible persistent chat solution * Author brings 15+ years of WP experience Visit the [SAC Pro docs](https://plugin-planet.com/category/docs+sac-pro/) and [tutorials](https://plugin-planet.com/category/tuts+sac-pro/) to learn more! > SAC Pro = lean mean chat machine. From the author: "I've been developing chat plugins for over 10 years. Listened to tons of feedback for the free version of SAC, and implemented all the most popular features into the Pro version. SAC Pro is completely rewritten from the ground up, with a solid flexible codebase that's tightly integrated with WordPress core." **Getting Help** There are two channels for getting help: * [Ask a question in the SAC Pro Forum](https://plugin-planet.com/category/forum+sac-pro/) ([login required](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php)) * [Send an email via the contact form](https://plugin-planet.com/support/#contact) The contact form is best for direct support, bug reports, and feedback. **Downloads** * [Log in to your account](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php) to download the latest version of SAC Pro. * Get more information about [how to download pro plugins](https://plugin-planet.com/download-purchased-plugin/). To learn more about SAC Pro, visit [Plugin-Planet.com](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro/). For complete documentation, visit the Help tab on the SAC Pro screen in the WP Admin Area. **Privacy** SAC Pro collects voluntary user chat data (i.e., Name, Chat Message, and optional URL). It also gives the administrator the option to collect (or not collect) sensitive user data like IP address, host name, and so forth. When data collection is disabled, the only user data stored by this plugin are the voluntary chat data (Name, Message, URL). As for cookies, SAC Pro uses a few simple cookies for remembering chat names and URLs. It does not connect to any third-party locations. Minimal impact on privacy. **Developer** SAC Pro is developed and maintained by [Jeff Starr](https://twitter.com/perishable), 15-year [WordPress developer](https://plugin-planet.com/) and [book author](https://books.perishablepress.com/). == Installation == **Installing the plugin** Three basic steps to get up and running with SAC Pro: 1. Make sure the free version of SAC is not active 2. Upload the plugin to your site and activate 3. Visit SAC Pro ▸ License to enter your license Done. SAC Pro is now ready for use. For complete documentation, visit the Help tab on the SAC Pro screen in the WP Admin Area. Visit the online docs for a more detailed guide on [installing SAC Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro-installation/). Visit more general info on [installing WP plugins](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins). **Usage** 1. Configure the plugin settings as desired (optional) 2. Add the [SAC Pro shortcode](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro-shortcodes/) to any post or page 3. Customize the shortcode as desired For complete documentation, visit the Help tab on the SAC Pro screen in the WP Admin Area. Learn more about how to [get started with SAC Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro-quick-start/). Visit the SAC Pro [docs](https://plugin-planet.com/category/docs+sac-pro/) and [tutorials](https://plugin-planet.com/category/tuts+sac-pro/) at Plugin Planet. **Upgrades** Your purchase of SAC Pro includes free lifetime upgrades, which include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. When an upgrade is available, WordPress will notify you in the Admin Area. When you see that there is an update available, just click "Update" and WordPress will perform the upgrade automatically. Note that you can [download the latest version of SAC Pro at Plugin Planet](https://plugin-planet.com/download-purchased-plugin/) anytime at your convenience. [More info](https://plugin-planet.com/upgrade-plugin/) **Restore Default Options** To restore default plugin options, visit "Reset Options" in the plugin settings. **Uninstalling** This plugin cleans up after itself. All plugin settings will be removed from your database when the plugin is uninstalled via the Plugins screen. Only the chat tables are not removed. This is to prevent accidental loss of data. To delete chat tables, visit the Manage tab and toggle open the "Tools" for your form. Then click the button, "Delete this chat room". **SAC Pro Resources** * [SAC Pro Homepage](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro/) * [Quick Start Guide](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro-quick-start/) * [SAC Pro Documentation](https://plugin-planet.com/category/docs+sac-pro/) * [SAC Pro Tutorials](https://plugin-planet.com/category/tuts+sac-pro/) * [SAC Pro FAQs](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro-faqs/) * [Plugin Planet News](https://plugin-planet.com/category/news/) **Like the plugin?** If you like SAC Pro, please take a moment to [give a 5-star rating](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/simple-ajax-chat/reviews/?rate=5#new-post). It helps to keep development and support going strong. Thank you! **License Information** * [Download purchased plugin](https://plugin-planet.com/download-purchased-plugin/) * [Install purchased plugin](https://plugin-planet.com/install-plugin/) * [Upgrade purchased plugin](https://plugin-planet.com/upgrade-plugin/) * [Get plugin license key](https://plugin-planet.com/get-license-key/) * [Activate plugin license](https://plugin-planet.com/activate-deactivate-plugin-license/) * [Transfer plugin license](https://plugin-planet.com/transfer-plugin-license/) * [Manage licensed domains](https://plugin-planet.com/manage-license/) * [Download purchase receipt](https://plugin-planet.com/download-purchase-receipt/) * [Troubleshooting license activation](https://plugin-planet.com/troubleshooting-license-activation/) == Upgrade Notice == This plugin has been tested and is 100% current with the latest version of WordPress. == Frequently Asked Questions == Check out the [SAC Pro FAQs](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro-faqs/) at Plugin Planet. **Questions? Feedback? Bugs?** There are two channels for getting help: * [Ask a question in the SAC Pro Forum](https://plugin-planet.com/category/forum+sac-pro/) ([login required](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php)) * [Send an email via the contact form](https://plugin-planet.com/support/#contact) The contact form is best for direct support, bug reports, and feedback. Also check the [SAC Pro FAQs](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro-faqs/). == License == The SAC Pro license comprises two parts: * __Part 1:__ Its PHP code is licensed under the GPL (v2 or later), like WordPress. [More info](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/). * __Part 2:__ Everything else (e.g., CSS, HTML, JavaScript, images, design) is licensed according to the purchased license. [More info](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro/). Without prior written consent from Monzilla Media, you must NOT directly or indirectly: license, sub-license, sell, resell, or provide for free any aspect or component of Part 2. Further license information is available in the plugin directory, `/license/`, and [online](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/files/simple-ajax-chat-pro/license.txt). __Upgrades:__ Your purchase of SAC Pro includes free lifetime upgrades, which include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. Copyright 2024 Monzilla Media. All rights reserved. == Thank You == Thank you to the awesome users of the free version of [Simple Ajax Chat](https://perishablepress.com/simple-ajax-chat/). Your feedback and contributions over the years help to make SAC Pro the very BEST it can be :) == More from Jeff Starr == Premium WordPress plugins: * [Banhammer Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/banhammer-pro/) - Monitor traffic and ban bad users and bots * [BBQ Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/bbq-pro/) - Fastest firewall plugin for WordPress * [Blackhole Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/blackhole-pro/) - Block bad bots in a virtual black hole * [GA Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/ga-google-analytics-pro/) - Connect WordPress to Google Analytics * [SAC Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/simple-ajax-chat-pro/) - Unlimited chat rooms for WordPress * [USP Pro](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/) - Advanced front-end forms Quality WordPress books: * [The Tao of WordPress](https://wp-tao.com/) * [Digging into WordPress](https://digwp.com/) * [.htaccess made easy](https://htaccessbook.com/) * [WordPress Themes In Depth](https://wp-tao.com/wordpress-themes-book/) * [Wizard's SQL Recipes for WordPress](https://books.perishablepress.com/downloads/wizards-collection-sql-recipes-wordpress/) More awesome stuff on the way :) == Changelog == If you like SAC Pro, please take a moment to [give a 5-star rating](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/simple-ajax-chat/reviews/?rate=5#new-post). It helps to keep development and support going strong. Thank you! **1.6.3 (2024/07/12)** * Fixes bug with `dismiss_notice_link` * Updates plugin settings page * Updates default translation template * Tests on WordPress 6.6 (beta) Full changelog @ [https://plugin-planet.com/wp/changelog/simple-ajax-chat-pro.txt](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/changelog/simple-ajax-chat-pro.txt)