=== USP Pro === Author: Jeff Starr Contributors: specialk Donate link: https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/ Tags: front-end, forms, usp, user-submit, user-register, contact-form, uploads, files, images, posts Requires at least: 3.7 Tested up to: 4.0 Stable tag: trunk License: GPL (see license section below for details) License URI: https://plugin-planet.com/wp/files/usp-pro/license.txt Create unlimited forms and let visitors submit content, register, and much more from the front-end of your site. == Description == USP Pro is your complete front-end forms solution, enabling you to create unlimited forms and let visitors submit content, register, and much more. == Installation == Installing USP Pro is simple: 1. Unzip the downloaded plugin and upload the `/usp-pro/` folder to the WordPress `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Done. Visit the Plugins screen in the WP Admin to activate the plugin, then visit the USP Pro settings to configure the plugin and get started. Note: The USP Pro settings page includes complete information about configuring USP Pro. Visit the Tools tab for more information. Additional documentation available at [Plugin-Planet.com](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/). == Frequently Asked Questions == Getting started: * [USP Pro Quick-Start Guide](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-quick-start/) * [USP Pro Settings](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-settings/) * [USP Pro Shortcodes](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-shortcodes/) * [USP Pro Template Tags](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-template-tags/) * [USP Pro FAQs](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-faqs/) Further resources: * [USP Pro Docs](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/docs/) * [USP Pro Forum](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/forum/) * [USP Pro Tutorials](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/tuts/) * [USP Pro News](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/news/) Feedback and downloads: * [Bug reports, help requests, and feedback](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/#contact) * [Log in to your account for current downloads](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php) You can learn more about USP Pro at [Plugin-Planet.com](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/). == Screenshots == Screenshots and more available at [Plugin-Planet.com](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/). == Changelog == = 1.9 = * Bug: empty custom prefix causing duplicate error messages * Bug: custom prefix as name not working when field name is prefix only * Bug: email alerts sent even when disable in the settings * Bug: null value for labels and placeholders not working on custom fields * Bug: empty value for custom prefix interferes with default custom field prefix * Bug: email included Additional Information heading even when no custom fields included * Bug: email alerts not sending for denied USP Posts (CPT) * Bug: email alerts sending for posts submitted from backend * Bug: type attribute displayed on custom field textareas * New: Backup and restore theme options (under "Tools" tab) * New: Content filter to blacklist forbidden terms and phrases from post content (under "Admin" tab) * New: function to replace author name when called with the_author_meta (see "Replace Author" option) * New: function to replace author URL when called with the_author_meta (see "Replace Author" option) * New: option to whitelist contact, registration, submission forms (see "Form Security" in General settings) * New: meta box support for submitted custom field data (works with all Post Types) * New: live preview feature for post content * New: user shortcodes: `[url]`, `[link]`, `[name]`, `[file-1]` thru `[file-3]`, `[item-1]` thru `[item-3]` * New: template tag and shortcode to add a tabbed login/register/password form * New: select/option fields via custom fields * New: multiple checkbox fields via custom fields * New: radio inputs for custom fields * New: added %%post_content%% shortcode to admin/user email alerts and contact email * New: added attribute to disable fieldset for any custom field * New: added a bunch of new action and filter hooks (list @ [Plugin Planet](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-action-filter-hooks/) * Moved "Contact Forms" option from Admin settings to "Form Security" in General settings * Deprecates `usp-send-mail` hidden field, replaces with usp-is-contact * Changes defaults to none (no value) for input class and label class on custom fields * Streamlines send_email_form() function with improved logic * Adds two new filter hooks: usp_send_email_custom_heading and usp_send_email_custom_fields * Adds some new styles to usp-admin.css (meta box styles) * Changed paragraph tags to span tags in user shortcodes for images * Refactored USP_Custom_Fields Class * Replaced some instances of get_bloginfo('url') with home_url() * Retested with Plugin Check plugin * Updated localization templates (mo/po) files * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Advance testing on WP 4.1 (alpha) * General code check and clean = 1.8 = * Bugfix: callback_dropdown() now displays correct value for select options (user roles) * Bugfix: duplicate errors for alt, caption, description fields * Bugfix: missing error class for alt, caption, description fields * Bugfix: undefined index for categories array in usp-forms.php * Bugfix: global redirect success not working when redirect failure not specified * Bugfix: local redirect success not working properly * Bugfix: custom CSS class included in attribute without preceding space * Bugfix: approval email not sent to user, replaced get_userdata() with get_the_author_meta() * Bugfix: unpredictable results with max-character functionality * Bugfix: custom fields errors and session remembering not working * Bugfix: custom content not added to contact emails when post is not submitted * Bugfix: category checkboxes not remembering values * Bugfix: usp_style setting was not included in uninstall.php * New feature: unlimited *custom* custom fields :) * New feature: forms now support multiple category fields (chained/combo categories) * New feature: user shortcodes (`[img-1]` thru `[img-5]`) to auto-display uploaded images * New feature: specify size of auto-display images (thumbnail, medium, large, or full) * New feature: restore default plugin options (added to "More" settings) * New feature: usp-subject now attached to submitted post as custom field * New feature: over 50 new action and filter hooks (list @ [Plugin Planet](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-action-filter-hooks/) * New feature: option to send email in HTML or plain-text format for contact forms and post alerts * New feature: option to add custom attributes to the form tag * New feature: options to specify default values for post title and content * New feature: "custom" attribute for all form Quicktags/Shortcodes * New feature: input types for custom fields now include: url, search, email, tel, month, week, time, datetime, datetime-local, color, date, range, number * Enhancement: integrated support for Parsley 2 [ref](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-form-validation-with-parsley-2/) * Enhancement: removed menu location for usp_form/usp_post for better compatibility with plugins that do declare a menu location * Enhancement: improved logic of submission_redirect() function * Enhancement: improved logic of registration hooks and options calls in usp-pro.php * Enhancement: improved logic of send_email_alert() function * Enhancement: replaced UTF-8 with get_option('blog_charset') in several functions * Enhancement: removed @charset "UTF-8"; from all stylesheets * Enhancement: replaced htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() with sanitize_text_field() * Enhancement: removed paragraph tags from table cells on plugin settings page * Enhancement: moved settings section descriptions into their own file * Enhancement: increased minimum required version to WP 3.7 * Enhancement: added reply-to headers to contact-form emails * Enhancement: cleaned up plain-text emails formatting etc. * Enhancement: improved some settings descriptions * Enhancement: changed the way default email from address is handled (see option Admin: Contact Form: "Email From") * Enhancement: added default template demo of the classic USP form (from the free version of USP) * Tested with Meta Slider plugin, works great together out of the box :) * Note: %%post_date%% shortcut seems now to be working with submit-post email alerts (as of WP 4.0) * Removed from form tag (replaced with option): data-validate="parsley" data-persist="garlic" novalidate * Added .exclude class to #verify field * Changed default width of input fields and textarea * Removed inline documentation (replaced with link to online docs) * Removed usp-tables.php * Updated localization templates (mo/po) files * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Tested with latest version of WordPress (4.0) * Advance testing on WP 4.1 (alpha) * General code check and clean = 1.7 = * Bugfix: custom field names now properly recognized for all field types * Bugfix: multiple category select fields now remember values (when enabled) * Bugfix: custom fields now included properly in contact emails (when enabled) * Bugfix: "no mail" setting now includes email alerts (so possible to disable all mail) * Bugfix: custom user fields now may be required or not required (e.g., nicename, firstname, et al) * Bugfix: for combo submit/register forms, post was being submitted even when registration fails * New feature: use hidden field to make any form a submit, register, contact form, or combo form * New feature: support for custom taxonomies (custom categories), includes shortcode and quicktag * New feature: set submitted posts to "Publish Private" status * New feature: set submitted posts to "Publish with Password" status (auto-sends password) * New feature: added custom post status for the Posts screen (sort by custom status) * New feature: custom email recipients for individual contact forms (via hidden field) * New feature: carbon copy emails for admin submission, approval, and denied alerts * New feature: shortcodes for email alerts (submitted, approved, denied) * New feature: email alerts for submitter and admins when post is approved (published) * New feature: email alerts for submitter and admins when post is denied (moved to trash) * New feature: contact-form emails may include custom content with dynamic post variables * New feature: customize all error messages (visit new "More" settings tab) * Enhancement: post ID now included in return URL query string * Enhancement: post ID now attached to submitted posts as custom field "usp-post-id" * Enhancement: approval email alerts now work for scheduled/future-published posts * Enhancement: contact email includes custom user fields if included in the form (e.g., nicename, firstname, et al) * Enhancement: improved data handling in session variable and post content * Enhancement: streamlined insert_post function for better performance * Enhancement: increased textarea widths in plugin settings * Enhancement: error class added to primary form fields for custom styling * Enhancement: now using wp_generate_password() for user registration passwords * Enhancement: replaced sanitize_text_field() with sanitize_email() for the email field * Enhancement: added width and height to allowed attributes in post content * Enhancement: tweaked the settings description for external stylesheet and JavaScript files * Enhancement: tweaked the inline styles used for the USP Filter button on Trash screen * Added localization for French (Thanks to [Christophe Glaudel](http://chrisglaudel.com/)) * Updated form demos with new hidden fields for register and contact * Updated localization templates (mo/po) files * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Advance testing on WP 4.0 (alpha) * General code check and clean = 1.6 = * Added support for unlimited custom post types (per-form post types) * New feature: specify your own prefix for custom fields * Added field support for parsley.js form validation * Added support for Garlic (remember form values via jQuery) * Bugfix: added conditional check to usp_get_art_directed (resolves an error with BuddyPress) * Bugfix: tweaked code for excluding categories (resolved Illegal string offset error) * Custom field names may now include dashes/hyphens * Cleaned up custom field processing and field remembering * Bugfix: added headers to approval emails (thanks to [Mike Edwards](http://leanintuit.com/)) * Bugfix: corrected wording of "from" options in contact form settings * Updated localization templates (mo/po) files * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Further testing with WP version 3.9 * General code check and clean = 1.5 = * Renamed "usp_init" to "usp_pro_init" in usp-pro.php * Added "exclude" parameter to category shortcode and quicktag * Bugfix: defined default category-level class in category field * Added display_usp_form template tag for displaying USP Forms * Now supports forms that post content and send email via usp-send-mail * Added option to include or not any custom fields in email content * Bugfix: nested shortcodes for usp_is_submission, usp_access, usp_visitor, usp_member * Added html_entity_decode to email message for post approvals, admin alerts, user alerts * Bugfix: usp_error_post parameter was not being cleared on successful form submission * Added fallback functionality for exif_imagetype * New feature: create new categories on form submission * Bugfix: textarea custom fields remember their input values * Increased the maximum number of images from 20 to 99 * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Advance testing on development WP version 3.9-beta2 * General code check and clean = 1.4 = * Bugfix: renamed "init" to "usp_init" in usp-pro.php * usp_require_wp_version() now runs only on plugin activation * Bugfix: removed "'test '." string from usp_get_meta() output * Changed "POST NAME" to "AUTHOR NAME" in process.php line 882 * Bugfix: resolved error when using "No Limit" for file uploads * New Feature: WP Visual Editor now works with custom textareas * New Feature: Now can has multiple Visual Editors per USP Form * New Feature: Option to use the Name field as the post author * Advance testing on development WP version 3.9-alpha-nightly * Updated localization mo/po templates * General code check and clean = 1.3 = * New feature: added option to use Google reCAPTCHA instead of default Challenge Question * New feature: added option to require post titles to be unique * New feature: added option to specify the "From" address for contact forms * Bugfix: max_files setting now updates correctly * Bugfix: files input now handles single-file uploads properly * Bugfix: custom fields work with any alphanumeric value for input "name" attribute * Bugfix: auto-display images now applies only to user-submitted * Bugfix: contact form now working properly for multiple forms and custom fields * Improved code for min_files setting for better functionality * Improved logic for error handling and markup for default messages * Increased default number of characters for file upload input field * Replaced sanitize_text_field with htmlspecialchars for custom field input * Retested email/alert functionality with Gmail * Updated inline and online documentation * Generated new translation (mo/po) files * General code check and clean = 1.2 = * New feature: let users choose their own password when registering * New feature: custom form redirects (overrides default setting) - includes new USP Quicktag and Shortcode * New feature: option to use unique file names or overwrite existing files - more info @ https://m0n.co/usp-1 * Bugfix: WYSIWYG Editor was not displaying correctly - more info @ https://m0n.co/usp-2 * Added `href`, `rel`, and `target` attributes to `$allowed_atts` in `usp-pro.php` * Resolved some lingering PHP strict notices * General code check and clean = 1.1 = * Testing automatic updates = 1.0 = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == Upgrades: Your purchase of USP Pro includes free lifetime upgrades, which include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. __Important!__ Things may have changed in new versions of the plugin. Please copy/paste your current USP settings to a safe place. Then update the plugin as usual. If any settings have changed (they shouldn't), use your backup settings to restore your original configuration. == License == License: USP Pro is comprised of two parts: * Part 1: Its PHP code is licensed under the GPL license, like WordPress. More info @ http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * Part 2: Everything else (e.g., CSS, HTML, JavaScript, images, design) is licensed according to the purchased license. More info @ https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/store/ Without prior written consent from Monzilla Media, you must NOT directly or indirectly: license, sub-license, sell, resell, or provide for free any aspect or component of Part 2. Copyright 2014 [Monzilla Media](https://monzillamedia.com/)