=== USP Pro === Plugin Name: USP Pro Plugin URI: https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/ Description: Create unlimited forms and let visitors submit content, register, and much more from the front-end of your site. Tags: community, contact, content, custom fields, files, form, forms, front end, front-end, frontend, generated content, images, login, post, posts, public, publish, register, share, submission, submissions, submit, submitted, upload, user generated, user submit, user submitted, user-generated, user-submit, user-submitted, users Author: Jeff Starr Author URI: https://monzillamedia.com/ Donate link: https://m0n.co/donate Contributors: specialk Requires at least: 4.1 Tested up to: 4.5 Stable tag: trunk Version: 2.3.1 Text Domain: usp Domain Path: /languages/ License: the USP Pro license is comprised of two parts (see "License" section below for details) Create unlimited forms and let visitors submit content, register, log in, and much more from the front-end of your site. == Description == USP Pro is your complete front-end forms solution, enabling you to create unlimited forms and let visitors submit content, register, and much more. **Features** Visit the [USP Pro Homepage](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/) for features, screenshots, and details. **Getting Started** The Quick Start Guide is highly recommended: * [USP Pro Quick-Start Guide](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-quick-start/) **Documentation** Official USP Pro documentation: * [USP Pro Settings](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-settings/) * [USP Pro Shortcodes](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-shortcodes/) * [USP Pro Template Tags](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-template-tags/) **Resources** Further resources and information: * [USP Pro Docs](https://plugin-planet.com/docs/usp/) * [USP Pro Forum](https://plugin-planet.com/forum/usp/) * [USP Pro Tutorials](https://plugin-planet.com/category/tuts+usp-pro/) * [USP Pro FAQs](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-faqs/) **Stay Current** Stay current with USP Pro! * [USP Pro News](https://plugin-planet.com/category/news+usp-pro/) * [Grab the News Feed](https://plugin-planet.com/category/news/feed/) * [Grab the Tutorials Feed](https://plugin-planet.com/category/tuts/feed/) **Getting Help** There are two channels for getting help: * [Ask a question in the USP Pro Forum](https://plugin-planet.com/forum/usp/) ([login required](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php)) * [Send an email via the contact form](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/#contact) The contact form is best for direct support, bug reports, and feedback. **Downloads** * [Log in to your account for current downloads](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php) To learn more about USP Pro, visit [Plugin-Planet.com](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/). == Installation == **Installation** 1. Upload the plugin and activate via the WP Plugins screen 2. Visit Plugins > USP Pro License to enter your license Done. USP Pro is now ready for use. Before going further, please read the [USP Pro Quick Start Guide](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-quick-start/). [More info on installing WP plugins](http://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Installing_Plugins). **Usage** Usage information available in the [USP Pro Quick Start Guide](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-quick-start/). Complete plugin documentation available at [Plugin-Planet.com](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/). **Shortcodes** Check out the [USP Pro Shortcodes Reference](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-shortcodes/) **Template Tags** Check out the [USP Pro Template Tags Reference](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-template-tags/) **License Information** * [Get Your License Key](https://plugin-planet.com/get-license-key/) * [Manage Licensed Domains](https://plugin-planet.com/manage-license/) * [Download Current Version](https://plugin-planet.com/download-purchased-plugin/) * [Download Purchase Receipt](https://plugin-planet.com/download-purchase-receipt/) * [Troubleshooting License Activation](https://plugin-planet.com/troubleshooting-license-activation/) **Restore Default Options** To restore default plugin options, either uninstall/reinstall the plugin, or visit the plugin's Tools settings > "Restore Default Settings". **Uninstalling** USP Pro cleans up after itself. All plugin options will be removed from the database when the plugin is uninstalled via the Plugins screen. All submitted posts will NOT be removed when deactivating or uninstalling the plugin. All submitted posts must be removed manually. == Upgrade Notice == Upgrades: Your purchase of USP Pro includes free lifetime upgrades, which include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. When an upgrade is available, WordPress will notify you in the Admin Area. When you see that there is an update available, just click "Update" and WordPress will perform the upgrade automatically. Note that you can [download the latest version of USP Pro at Plugin Planet](https://plugin-planet.com/download-purchased-plugin/) anytime at your convenience. __Important!__ Before upgrading, visit "Tools > Backup & Restore" to back up your current settings. That way if something should go wrong, you can always restore your original settings and start over. __Note:__ uninstalling the plugin from the WP Plugins screen results in the removal of all settings from the WP database. All submitted posts will NOT be removed when deactivating or uninstalling the plugin. All submitted posts must be removed manually. == Frequently Asked Questions == **FAQs** FAQs available online: * [USP Pro FAQs](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-faqs/) **Questions? Feedback? Bugs?** There are two channels for getting help: * [Ask a question in the USP Pro Forum](https://plugin-planet.com/forum/usp/) ([login required](https://plugin-planet.com/wp/wp-login.php)) * [Send an email via the contact form](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/#contact) The contact form is best for direct support, bug reports, and feedback. == Screenshots == Screenshots and more available at [Plugin-Planet.com](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/#screenshots). == License == License: USP Pro is comprised of two parts: * Part 1: Its PHP code is licensed under the GPL (v2 or later), like WordPress. More info @ http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * Part 2: Everything else (e.g., CSS, HTML, JavaScript, images, design) is licensed according to the purchased license. More info @ https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro/ Without prior written consent from Monzilla Media, you must NOT directly or indirectly: license, sub-license, sell, resell, or provide for free any aspect or component of Part 2. Further license information is available in the plugin directory, /license/, and online @ https://plugin-planet.com/wp/files/usp-pro/license.txt Upgrades: Your purchase of USP Pro includes free lifetime upgrades, which include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. Copyright: 2016 Monzilla Media == Changelog == **2.3.1** *Bug Fixes* * Fixes typo in Admin Alerts shortcut variables info * Restores previous default values for file name and title * Replaces esc_url() with sanitize_text_field() for usp-agent custom field *Improvements* * Shortcode [usp_pro_display_posts] now displays Custom Post Types * Adds "display" attribute to [usp_pro_display_posts] to display excerpt, content, thumbs, or title only * Replaces database query with get_users() in usp-pro.php * Replaces database query with get_posts() in usp-forms.php * Escapes some internal variables just to be extra safe * Adds filter hook in form output for adding custom content * Enables basic HTML in Agree to Terms box (using {} bracket replacements) * Hides USP Pro text on Dashboard metabox preference panel *New Hooks* * Adds filter hook: usp_shortcode_display_posts_type * Adds filter hook: usp_shortcode_display_posts_size * Adds filter hook: usp_shortcode_display_posts_before * Adds filter hook: usp_shortcode_display_posts_after * Adds filter hook: usp_shortcode_display_posts_title * Adds filter hook: usp_settings_author_list_args * Adds filter hook: usp_forms_get_form_id * Adds filter hook: usp_form_custom_output * Adds filter hook: usp_custom_fields_checkbox_value * Adds filter hook: usp_custom_fields_radio_value * Adds filter hook: usp_custom_fields_select_value *General Changes* * General code cleanup and maintenance * Tests on WordPress version 4.5 and 4.6 (alpha) **2.3** *New Features* * Adds a complete "Starter" demo form * Adds [usp_agree] shortcode for "Agree to Terms" box * Adds "USP:Agree" Quicktag button for [usp_agree] shortcode * Adds "Require Square Image" uploads setting (thanks to [Kent](http://www.kenarry.com/)) * Adds Email Alert for scheduled posts (thanks to [Kent](http://www.kenarry.com/)) * Adds new alert shortcuts, %%post_submitted_date%% and %%post_scheduled_date%% * Adds new custom filters for custom defined email/alert shortcode/replacement * Adds %%__custom-field-key%% shortcode to include specific custom fields in email alerts * Adds "Submitted Posts Queue" Dashboard Widget to display list of draft posts * Adds new [usp_pro_display_posts] shortcode to display list of submitted posts *New Hooks* * Adds filter hook: usp_custom_agree_terms * Adds filter hook: usp_register_user_role * Adds filter hook: usp_post_meta_submit_time_format * Adds filter hook: usp_desc_default * Adds filter hook: usp_caption_default * Adds filter hook: usp_alt_default * Adds filter hook: usp_send_email_alert_vars * Adds filter hook: usp_send_email_approval_vars * Adds filter hook: usp_send_email_denied_vars * Adds filter hook: usp_send_email_scheduled_vars * Adds filter hook: usp_send_email_scheduled * Adds action hook: usp_send_email_scheduled_before * Adds action hook: usp_send_email_scheduled_during * Adds filter hook: usp_alert_shortcut_defined_pattern * Adds filter hook: usp_alert_shortcut_defined_replacement * Adds filter hook: usp_alert_shortcut_schedule_format * Adds filter hook: usp_file_name_primary_single * Adds filter hook: usp_file_name_primary_multiple * Adds filter hook: usp_file_name_custom_prefix * Adds filter hook: usp_file_name_custom_field * Adds filter hook: usp_file_name_custom_custom * Adds filter hook: usp_widget_drafts_number * Adds filter hook: usp_widget_drafts_time * Adds filter hook: usp_widget_drafts_type * Adds filter hook: usp_widget_drafts_user *Form Improvements* * Simplifies existing demo forms * Adds default error styles to form errors * Refactors usp_custom_field_errors() function * Refines and synchronizes default form styles * Adds missing id attributes to some form fields * Adds "Simple" form styles option as new default * Adds .usp-textarea class to primary textarea fields * Updates UI/options for various Quicktag dialog boxes * Removes list Quicktags (ol, ul, li) from Form Builder * Changes post_required default error message for clarity * Adds default demo forms to "Extra Form Security" setting * Adds tag count and tag ID as data attributes on front-end * Adds "desc" attribute to checkbox and radio custom fields * The files_min attribute no longer is required to set a Files field as required * Removes error class from form, fieldsets, CC message, Remember input, and Reset link *Plugin Enhancements* * Replaces icon with retina version * Updates the Updater Class to version 1.6.3 * Refactored file-type checking functionality * Updates some settings descriptions for clarity * Custom Prefix and Custom Custom Fields now used as file key * Adds link on WP "Plugins" screen to USP Pro Quick Start Guide * Adds add_files_fields() function for adding file custom fields * Changes Min/Max Chars and Number of Tags inputs to number type * Replaces Remote Identity with Remote Address in About tab infos * Adds submit date/time to submitted post as custom field "usp-post-time" * usp-filename and usp-mediatitle file metadata now only added if not empty * Validation for custom custom field settings now removes invalid characters * Replaces current_user_can with is_user_logged_in in login widget/shortcode * Replaces multiple instances of get_currentuserinfo with wp_get_current_user * Cleans up get_field_val(), moved reset functionality to new reset_form() function * Updated session check to support newer versions of PHP, added usp_is_session_started() * Improved performance of usp-process.php by replacing init with admin_init for certain functions *Bug Fixes* * Bugfix: tag ordering not working on front-end * Bugfix: errors not displayed for multiple files fields * Bugfix: About tab not displaying all server information * Bugfix: usp_classes() displaying incorrect error classes * Bugfix: incorrect $field attributes when calling usp_classes() * Bugfix: form styles not included when using shortcode or widget * Bugfix: form remembering not working with custom checkbox fields * Bugfix: PHP Notice: Array to string conversion for custom checkbox fields * Bugfix: replaces get_field_id('id') with get_field_id('title') in USP Widget * Bugfix: error when cookies are disabled on the user's browser (thanks to [Kent](http://www.kenarry.com/)) * Bugfix: replaces wp_filter_nohtml_kses with sanitize_text_field for validation (fixes backslashed quotes) * Bugfix: field error classes not included for Post Format, Media Title, and File Name fields * Bugfix: adds missing validation for Password error field under More tab * Bugfix: max attribute not included on text and textarea custom fields * Bugfix: "post denied" alerts not firing for various post types *General Changes* * New translation .pot file * Reorganizes and refreshed readme.txt * General code cleanup and maintenance * Tests on WordPress version 4.5 and 4.6 (alpha) **2.2.1** * Adds missing setting/support for displaying Add Media button to non-admins * Bugfix: fatal error when adding custom content to contact messages * Adds useful reference links to plugin settings * Fixes a couple of typos in plugin settings * Bugfix: changed widget name to __construct() * Tests further on WordPress 4.4 and 4.5 (alpha) * General code cleanup and maintenance **2.2** *New Features* * New: Google noCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA * New: meta-box support/display for any custom field * New: setting to check submitted posts for unique content * New: support for displaying Add Media button for subscribers and contributors * New: adds "include" attribute to tags shortcode to specify tags per form * New: adds "include" attribute to category shortcode to specify cats per form * New: adds "Memory Settings" section to General tab * New: support for custom user registration metadata *New Hooks* * Adds usp_wp_editor_settings filter hook * Adds usp_custom_editor_settings filter hook * Adds filter hooks for customizing post-password emails * Adds new usp_meta_box_title filter hook * Adds filter hook for user registration notification emails * Adds usp_generate_password_length filter hook * Adds usp_captcha_output filter hook * Adds usp_captcha_params and usp_captcha_atts filter hooks * Adds usp_meta_box_name and usp_meta_box_value filter hooks * Adds usp_input_name_value and usp_input_email_value filter hooks * Adds usp_register_user_after action hook *Improvements* * Adds get_currentuserinfo() where required * Adds email address shortcode/field to Classic form demo * Adds File Name and Media Title now attached as Custom Fields * Adds some missing strings to default translation template * Adds custom error for Content Filter to More settings * Adds support for HTTPS URLs in usp_enqueue_resources() * Adds query-string (non-permalink) support for usp_reset_button() * Adds .usp-form to default CSS styles for input fields * Adds clear: both; to Add Another and Clone Input divs * Adds esc_attr/esc_url/esc_html to value variables in form shortcodes * Improves settings descriptions for USP JavaScript and CSS files * Improves user_exists and error_register default error messages * Improves performance of plugin settings pages * Improves headers in post_password(), send_email_form(), get_email_vars() * Improves settings UI to make all update notices dismissible * Improves security by sanitizing server name variable in section_license_desc() * Improves security by adding sanitize_text_field() to usp_get_ip() * Optimizes add_admin_styles() for better performance * Optimizes add_post_filter_button() for better performance *Enhancements* * Refines and streamlines default settings descriptions * Refines default Quicktags displayed on USP Form screen * Refines license-activation UI * Refines and streamlines all settings and descriptions * Removes unused $user_info variable from some default options * Removes usp_replace_author_user_url() and related filter * Removes usp_replace_author_display_name() and related filter * Replaces usp_clean() with esc_url() in get_user_stats() * Replaces variable with constant in require_wp_version() * Replaces esc_url() with esc_url_raw() in get_field_val() * Replaces and regenerates default translation template * Changes HTML-format email headers from ISO-8859-1 to blog_charset * Changes hook for load_settings from init to admin_init * Changes admin_print_styles to admin_enqueue_scripts * Changes "USP" post-filter button now filters any post status * Changes "Before/After Errors" setting to "Miscellaneous Errors" * Changes default password length to 16 characters * Changes setting "Allowed HTML in post" to "Post Formatting" * Changes popular tags no longer displayed by default when no global tags selected * Updates heading hierarchy in plugin settings * Updates disable_visual_editor() for USP Forms Quicktags * Updates register_user() to account for changes in WP 4.3.1 * Moves "Restore Default Settings" to Tools tab * Moves Redirect Success and Redirect Failure to Advanced tab * Moves Content Filter to Advanced settings * Moves admin post-filter styles to external USP stylesheet * Moves Default Form Fields settings to Advanced tab *Bug Fixes* * Bugfix: fatal error for pre-existing taxonomy terms * Bugfix: changes http to https for reCAPTCHA script version 1 * Bugfix: combo registration form error when user logged in * Bugfix: min/max character limits counting appended whitespace * Bugfix: PHP Notice Array to string conversion for regex_filter() * Bugfix: PHP Notices for post_date and post_date_gmt * Bugfix: Undefined Index Notice in usp_placeholder() * Bugfix: support for HTTPS URLs in get_field_val() and get_user_stats() * Bugfix: widget title not displaying on frontend * Bugfix: USP Form Widget not displaying in WP Admin Area *General* * Tests on WordPress 4.4 and 4.5 (alpha) * General code cleanup and maintenance **2.1** * Fixes XSS vulnerability with add_query_arg() * Tested with WP 4.2 + 4.3 (alpha) * Changed a few "http" links to "https" * Adds a bit of box-shadow to Quicktag dialog box * Fixes some PHP warnings related to file uploads * Adds usp_post_array filter to customize submitted post * Fixes missing fields when post-formatting is disabled * Adds %%post_custom%% variable to display custom fields in email alerts * Extends "Replace Author" setting to %%user_name%% email alert variable * Refines readme.txt and file header information * Fixes empty div output for auto-display images * Adds "default" attribute to taxonomy shortcode to customize "Please select.." * Adds "all_include_empty" to taxonomy shortcode to display all tax terms * Fixes custom fields not included in email messages * Adds "File Name" to Advanced > Primary Form Fields and More > Primary Field Errors * New translation .pot file **2.0** *General* * Tested with latest version of WP (4.1) * Advanced testing on WordPress version 4.2 (beta) * Streamline/fine-tune plugin code, fixed typos, etc. * Updates plugin documentation in plugin and on site *Language* * Adds Text Domain and Domain Path to file header * Updates plugin file headers with better information * Replaces default .mo/.po templates with usp.pot template *Bug Fixes* * Fixes incorrect path to custom stylesheet for TinyMCE * Fixes login/register form shortcode not working * Fixes USP Meta Box displaying with empty values * Fixes alt metadata attached as custom field * Fixes echo to return for various select() tags * Fixes required checkbox fields not working * Fixes "Please select" not displayed on some tag fields * Fixes custom post status not displaying on front-end * Fixes uploading of disallowed file types (e.g., .php) *Improvements* * Improves file previews, thumbnails for other file types * Strips whitespace from Custom Field key settings * Improves About > Plugin Information section * Removes some unnecessary attributes from Form Demos * Improves Quicktag dialogs with lightbox-style UI * Updates plugin updater class to latest version *New Features* * Adds Media Title custom field functionality * Adds drag_drop_upload functionality to Visual Editor * Adds filename field for custom media metadata * Adds usp_filename_default filter hook * Adds usp_mediatitle_default filter hook * Adds error-specific class names to errors * Adds .usp-error-custom to the default custom-field error * Adds .usp-error-taxonomy to the default taxonomy error * Adds ability to use HTML in Default Post Content * Adds support for user-specified taxonomy terms * Adds fieldset attribute to field shortcodes * Adds "type" attribute to category shortcode * Adds "default" attribute to category shortcode * Adds "type" attribute to tag shortcode * Adds "default" attribute to tag shortcode * Adds "exclude" attrubute to tag shortcode * Adds "all" value for terms attribute to display all tax terms * Adds "exclude" attribute for taxonomy shortcode * Adds custom post status per form via custom field * Adds "future" post status to global/per-form options * Adds usp_post_date_offset filter hooks * Adds Schedule Posts and set dates for past posts * Adds User Shortcode to display any image from URL * Adds preview thumbnails for alternate file types * Adds preview thumbnails for all file select methods * Adds a bit of top padding to image preview container * Adds new filter hook: usp_custom_fields_files * Adds new filter hook: usp_files_combined_array * Adds support for multiple file upload fields * Adds custom file upload fields plus new attributes * Adds way to disable file previews for file upload fields * Adds local min/max file atts to usp_files shortcode **1.9** * Bug: empty custom prefix causing duplicate error messages * Bug: custom prefix as name not working when field name is prefix only * Bug: email alerts sent even when disable in the settings * Bug: null value for labels and placeholders not working on custom fields * Bug: empty value for custom prefix interferes with default custom field prefix * Bug: email included Additional Information heading even when no custom fields included * Bug: email alerts not sending for denied USP Posts (CPT) * Bug: email alerts sending for posts submitted from backend * Bug: type attribute displayed on custom field textareas * New: Backup and restore theme options (under "Tools" tab) * New: Content filter to blacklist forbidden terms and phrases from post content (under "Admin" tab) * New: function to replace author name when called with the_author_meta (see "Replace Author" option) * New: function to replace author URL when called with the_author_meta (see "Replace Author" option) * New: option to whitelist contact, registration, submission forms (see "Form Security" in General settings) * New: meta box support for submitted custom field data (works with all Post Types) * New: live preview feature for post content * New: user shortcodes: `[url]`, `[link]`, `[name]`, `[file-1]` thru `[file-3]`, `[item-1]` thru `[item-3]` * New: template tag and shortcode to add a tabbed login/register/password form * New: select/option fields via custom fields * New: multiple checkbox fields via custom fields * New: radio inputs for custom fields * New: added %%post_content%% shortcode to admin/user email alerts and contact email * New: added attribute to disable fieldset for any custom field * New: added a bunch of new action and filter hooks (list @ [Plugin Planet](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-action-filter-hooks/) * Moved "Contact Forms" option from Admin settings to "Form Security" in General settings * Deprecates `usp-send-mail` hidden field, replaces with usp-is-contact * Changes defaults to none (no value) for input class and label class on custom fields * Streamlines send_email_form() function with improved logic * Adds two new filter hooks: usp_send_email_custom_heading and usp_send_email_custom_fields * Adds some new styles to usp-admin.css (meta box styles) * Changed paragraph tags to span tags in user shortcodes for images * Refactored USP_Custom_Fields Class * Replaced some instances of get_bloginfo('url') with home_url() * Retested with Plugin Check plugin * Updated localization templates (mo/po) files * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Advance testing on WP 4.1 (alpha) * General code check and clean **1.8** * Bugfix: callback_dropdown() now displays correct value for select options (user roles) * Bugfix: duplicate errors for alt, caption, description fields * Bugfix: missing error class for alt, caption, description fields * Bugfix: undefined index for categories array in usp-forms.php * Bugfix: global redirect success not working when redirect failure not specified * Bugfix: local redirect success not working properly * Bugfix: custom CSS class included in attribute without preceding space * Bugfix: approval email not sent to user, replaced get_userdata() with get_the_author_meta() * Bugfix: unpredictable results with max-character functionality * Bugfix: custom fields errors and session remembering not working * Bugfix: custom content not added to contact emails when post is not submitted * Bugfix: category checkboxes not remembering values * Bugfix: usp_style setting was not included in uninstall.php * New feature: unlimited *custom* custom fields :) * New feature: forms now support multiple category fields (chained/combo categories) * New feature: user shortcodes (`[img-1]` thru `[img-5]`) to auto-display uploaded images * New feature: specify size of auto-display images (thumbnail, medium, large, or full) * New feature: restore default plugin options (added to "More" settings) * New feature: usp-subject now attached to submitted post as custom field * New feature: over 50 new action and filter hooks (list @ [Plugin Planet](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-action-filter-hooks/) * New feature: option to send email in HTML or plain-text format for contact forms and post alerts * New feature: option to add custom attributes to the form tag * New feature: options to specify default values for post title and content * New feature: "custom" attribute for all form Quicktags/Shortcodes * New feature: input types for custom fields now include: url, search, email, tel, month, week, time, datetime, datetime-local, color, date, range, number * Enhancement: integrated support for Parsley 2 [ref](https://plugin-planet.com/usp-pro-form-validation-with-parsley-2/) * Enhancement: removed menu location for usp_form/usp_post for better compatibility with plugins that do declare a menu location * Enhancement: improved logic of submission_redirect() function * Enhancement: improved logic of registration hooks and options calls in usp-pro.php * Enhancement: improved logic of send_email_alert() function * Enhancement: replaced UTF-8 with get_option('blog_charset') in several functions * Enhancement: removed @charset "UTF-8"; from all stylesheets * Enhancement: replaced htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() with sanitize_text_field() * Enhancement: removed paragraph tags from table cells on plugin settings page * Enhancement: moved settings section descriptions into their own file * Enhancement: increased minimum required version to WP 3.7 * Enhancement: added reply-to headers to contact-form emails * Enhancement: cleaned up plain-text emails formatting etc. * Enhancement: improved some settings descriptions * Enhancement: changed the way default email from address is handled (see option Admin: Contact Form: "Email From") * Enhancement: added default template demo of the classic USP form (from the free version of USP) * Tested with Meta Slider plugin, works great together out of the box :) * Note: %%post_date%% shortcut seems now to be working with submit-post email alerts (as of WP 4.0) * Removed from form tag (replaced with option): data-validate="parsley" data-persist="garlic" novalidate * Added .exclude class to #verify field * Changed default width of input fields and textarea * Removed inline documentation (replaced with link to online docs) * Removed usp-tables.php * Updated localization templates (mo/po) files * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Tested with latest version of WordPress (4.0) * Advance testing on WP 4.1 (alpha) * General code check and clean **1.7** * Bugfix: custom field names now properly recognized for all field types * Bugfix: multiple category select fields now remember values (when enabled) * Bugfix: custom fields now included properly in contact emails (when enabled) * Bugfix: "no mail" setting now includes email alerts (so possible to disable all mail) * Bugfix: custom user fields now may be required or not required (e.g., nicename, firstname, et al) * Bugfix: for combo submit/register forms, post was being submitted even when registration fails * New feature: use hidden field to make any form a submit, register, contact form, or combo form * New feature: support for custom taxonomies (custom categories), includes shortcode and quicktag * New feature: set submitted posts to "Publish Private" status * New feature: set submitted posts to "Publish with Password" status (auto-sends password) * New feature: added custom post status for the Posts screen (sort by custom status) * New feature: custom email recipients for individual contact forms (via hidden field) * New feature: carbon copy emails for admin submission, approval, and denied alerts * New feature: shortcodes for email alerts (submitted, approved, denied) * New feature: email alerts for submitter and admins when post is approved (published) * New feature: email alerts for submitter and admins when post is denied (moved to trash) * New feature: contact-form emails may include custom content with dynamic post variables * New feature: customize all error messages (visit new "More" settings tab) * Enhancement: post ID now included in return URL query string * Enhancement: post ID now attached to submitted posts as custom field "usp-post-id" * Enhancement: approval email alerts now work for scheduled/future-published posts * Enhancement: contact email includes custom user fields if included in the form (e.g., nicename, firstname, et al) * Enhancement: improved data handling in session variable and post content * Enhancement: streamlined insert_post function for better performance * Enhancement: increased textarea widths in plugin settings * Enhancement: error class added to primary form fields for custom styling * Enhancement: now using wp_generate_password() for user registration passwords * Enhancement: replaced sanitize_text_field() with sanitize_email() for the email field * Enhancement: added width and height to allowed attributes in post content * Enhancement: tweaked the settings description for external stylesheet and JavaScript files * Enhancement: tweaked the inline styles used for the USP Filter button on Trash screen * Added localization for French (Thanks to [Christophe Glaudel](http://chrisglaudel.com/)) * Updated form demos with new hidden fields for register and contact * Updated localization templates (mo/po) files * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Advance testing on WP 4.0 (alpha) * General code check and clean **1.6** * Added support for unlimited custom post types (per-form post types) * New feature: specify your own prefix for custom fields * Added field support for parsley.js form validation * Added support for Garlic (remember form values via jQuery) * Bugfix: added conditional check to usp_get_art_directed (resolves an error with BuddyPress) * Bugfix: tweaked code for excluding categories (resolved Illegal string offset error) * Custom field names may now include dashes/hyphens * Cleaned up custom field processing and field remembering * Bugfix: added headers to approval emails (thanks to [Mike Edwards](http://leanintuit.com/)) * Bugfix: corrected wording of "from" options in contact form settings * Updated localization templates (mo/po) files * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Further testing with WP version 3.9 * General code check and clean **1.5** * Renamed "usp_init" to "usp_pro_init" in usp-pro.php * Added "exclude" parameter to category shortcode and quicktag * Bugfix: defined default category-level class in category field * Added display_usp_form template tag for displaying USP Forms * Now supports forms that post content and send email via usp-send-mail * Added option to include or not any custom fields in email content * Bugfix: nested shortcodes for usp_is_submission, usp_access, usp_visitor, usp_member * Added html_entity_decode to email message for post approvals, admin alerts, user alerts * Bugfix: usp_error_post parameter was not being cleared on successful form submission * Added fallback functionality for exif_imagetype * New feature: create new categories on form submission * Bugfix: textarea custom fields remember their input values * Increased the maximum number of images from 20 to 99 * Updated plugin documentation in plugin and on site * Advance testing on development WP version 3.9-beta2 * General code check and clean **1.4** * Bugfix: renamed "init" to "usp_init" in usp-pro.php * usp_require_wp_version() now runs only on plugin activation * Bugfix: removed "'test '." string from usp_get_meta() output * Changed "POST NAME" to "AUTHOR NAME" in process.php line 882 * Bugfix: resolved error when using "No Limit" for file uploads * New Feature: WP Visual Editor now works with custom textareas * New Feature: Now can has multiple Visual Editors per USP Form * New Feature: Option to use the Name field as the post author * Advance testing on development WP version 3.9-alpha-nightly * Updated localization mo/po templates * General code check and clean **1.3** * New feature: added option to use Google reCAPTCHA instead of default Challenge Question * New feature: added option to require post titles to be unique * New feature: added option to specify the "From" address for contact forms * Bugfix: max_files setting now updates correctly * Bugfix: files input now handles single-file uploads properly * Bugfix: custom fields work with any alphanumeric value for input "name" attribute * Bugfix: auto-display images now applies only to user-submitted * Bugfix: contact form now working properly for multiple forms and custom fields * Improved code for min_files setting for better functionality * Improved logic for error handling and markup for default messages * Increased default number of characters for file upload input field * Replaced sanitize_text_field with htmlspecialchars for custom field input * Retested email/alert functionality with Gmail * Updated inline and online documentation * Generated new translation (mo/po) files * General code check and clean **1.2** * New feature: let users choose their own password when registering * New feature: custom form redirects (overrides default setting) - includes new USP Quicktag and Shortcode * New feature: option to use unique file names or overwrite existing files - more info @ https://m0n.co/usp-1 * Bugfix: WYSIWYG Editor was not displaying correctly - more info @ https://m0n.co/usp-2 * Added `href`, `rel`, and `target` attributes to `$allowed_atts` in `usp-pro.php` * Resolved some lingering PHP strict notices * General code check and clean **1.1** * Testing automatic updates **1.0** * Initial release