This Forum is for the Bad Bots Log. If you have questions about the Bad Bots Log, logging bots in general, or if you have ideas or suggestions, you may post them publicly using the form below, or contact us directly to share privately.
This Forum is for the Bad Bots Log. If you have questions about the Bad Bots Log, logging bots in general, or if you have ideas or suggestions, you may post them publicly using the form below, or contact us directly to share privately.
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Forum : Bad Bots Log
There are 3 posts in this forum.
We have just started using this plugin, and we would like to be able to export the Bot Logs to CSV.. Is there any way we can do this?
Or what is the mysql table that we can pull the data from?
Currently there is not an export feature, but as you suggest all data can be exported from the database. All of the bad bot data is stored in the options table, look for the option named
contains the entire bad bot data.Thanks for the update.
For each bad bot hit logged in the system, are those reported in the option_name: