By default, Blackhole Pro never blocks anyone or anything from accessing the WP Login Page. This is by design, to prevent any user from getting locked out of their WordPress site accidentally. For users who know what they are doing and want to enable protection of the Login Page, this quick tutorial explains how to do it with a couple lines of code.
To enable Blackhole Pro to protect the WP Login Page, add the following code to theme or child theme’s functions.php
file (or add via simple custom plugin):
function blackhole_ignore_login($ignore) { return false; }
add_filter('blackhole_ignore_login', 'blackhole_ignore_login');
Save changes and done. When the above code is in place, any bots (or humans) that fall into the Blackhole trap will be blocked from the entire site, including the WP Login Page. Note: If you get locked out inadvertently, simply remove the code and the Login Page will be accessible.