GA Pro is equipped with the following action and filter hooks. These are useful for developers to customize functionality and add features.

Action Hooks

Action Description
No action hooks yet! Feel free to suggest one »

Filter Hooks

Filter Description
gapro_default_options Filters the array of default options for plugin settings
gapro_locale Filters the locale (for translations, etc.)
gapro_login_hook Filters which WP hook to use to output the GA tracking code on the WP Login Page (default: login_head)
gapro_custom_code_1, gapro_custom_code_2, gapro_custom_code_3 Filters the output for Custom Code 1, 2, and 3
gapro_custom_filter Filters Custom Code for Primary Tracking
ga_google_analytics_enable_auto Filters true or false for inclusion of the auto parameter in ga('create', 'TRACKING_ID', 'auto'); when using Universal Analytics tracking method
ga_google_analytics_options_array Filters the options array used by the various tracking functions
ga_google_analytics_pro_optout_title_info Filters title attribute text for the Opt-Out Box when using the [ga_pro_optout] shortcode (default: “Click for more information”)
ga_google_analytics_pro_optout_title_hide Filters title attribute text for the Opt-Out Box when using the [ga_pro_optout] shortcode (default: “Click to close this notice”)
ga_google_analytics_pro_optout_output Filters the final output/markup for the [ga_pro_optout] shortcode
ga_google_analytics_pro_optout_message, ga_google_analytics_pro_filter_message Filters the opt-out message (default: value of the optout_message setting)
ga_google_analytics_pro_optout_title Filters the default title attribute text for the [ga_pro_optout_link] shortcode (default: “Click here to opt out of Google Analytics”)
ga_google_analytics_pro_optout_link Filters the final output/markup for the [ga_pro_optout_link] shortcode
ga_google_analytics_pro_optin_title Filters the default title attribute text for the [ga_pro_optin_link] shortcode (default: “Continue using Google Analytics”)
ga_google_analytics_pro_optin_link Filters the final output/markup for the [ga_pro_optin_link] shortcode
ga_google_analytics_pro_optin_plain_title Filters the default title attribute text for the [gapro_optin_plain] shortcode (default: “Continue using Google Analytics”)
ga_google_analytics_pro_optin_plain Filters the final output/markup for the [gapro_optin_plain] shortcode
ga_google_analytics_pro_optout_plain_title Filters the default title attribute text for the [gapro_optout_plain] shortcode (default: “Click here to opt out”)
ga_google_analytics_pro_optout_plain Filters the final output/markup for the [gapro_optout_plain] and [gapro_optout_toggle] shortcodes
gapro_script_atts Filters the <script> tags for GA tracking code blocks
gapro_script_atts_ext Filters the <script> tag for the gtag external script
gapro_tracker_object_universal Filters the tracker object for Universal tracking
gapro_tracker_object_global Filters the tracker object for Global tracking
ga_google_analytics_pro_disable_custom Enables disable of all tracking codes programmatically

I will be adding more hooks in future versions on an as-needed basis, so let me know if you have any requests and it shall be done :)