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I see a “dashchat” in my WP dashboard, and if I delete it, another “dashchat” takes its place.
Is there a way to add a chat of my preference to the WP dashboard? I have no use for a “dashchat” but want to see conversations in a different chat that I created for customers.
thank you.
Hi lbdesign,
Glad to help.
The plugin does not provide an option to choose the Dashboard Chat out of the box. It is possible to simply disable if not needed, under General settings > Dashboard Chat.
The plugin does however provide a programmatic way to change the Dashboard Chat. In the file /inc/wp-dashboard.php on line 9, there is a filter hook that makes it possible to define the shortcode/chat displayed on the dashboard. It includes a warning there next to the hook, so please heed and test well should you decide to implement.
I hope this helps, let me know if I can provide any further information.