USP Pro makes it easy to send email alerts or notifications when posts are submitted, approved, and/or denied. This quick tutorial explains how to setup and customize the email alerts with post content and other information.

Types of Email Alerts

USP Pro enables you to set up the following email alerts. You can find the options for email alerts under the USP Pro ▸ Admin settings.

Alerts for Admins
  • Email Alerts for Admin ▸ Email Message for Submissions
  • Email Alerts for Admin ▸ Email Message for Approvals
  • Email Alerts for Admin ▸ Email Message for Denied Posts
  • Email Alerts for Admin ▸ Email Message for Scheduled Posts
Alerts for Users
  • Email Alerts for User ▸ Email Message for Submissions
  • Email Alerts for User ▸ Email Message for Approvals
  • Email Alerts for User ▸ Email Message for Denied Posts
  • Email Alerts for User ▸ Email Message for Scheduled Posts

Email Alert Shortcodes

For any email alerts, you may customize the alert message as desired. For example, you can customize the email message, subject, recipients, and more. You also may include any user-submitted data, such as post title, post date, user info, and so forth. Simply visit USP Pro ▸ Admin settings, and add any of the following email shortcodes (aka shortcut variables):

blog url              = %%blog_url%%	
blog name             = %%blog_name%%
admin name            = %%admin_name%%
admin email           = %%admin_email%%
user name             = %%user_name%%
user email            = %%user_email%%
post title            = %%post_title%%
post date             = %%post_date%%
post url              = %%post_url%%
post categories       = %%post_cats%%
post tags             = %%post_tags%%
post id               = %%post_id%%
post permalink slug   = %%post_slug%% (note: returns post ID until post is published)
post author           = %%post_author%%
post content          = %%post_content%%
custom fields         = %%post_custom%%
specific custom field = %%__custom-field-key%%
post submitted date   = %%post_submitted_date%%
post scheduled date   = %%post_scheduled_date%%
ip address            = %%ip_address%%
post edit link        = %%edit_link%%
post delete link      = %%delete_link%%
attached file urls    = %%files%%

Just add any of these variables to any email-alert message or subject and customize as needed. You can see the results by submitting a test post (using your own email address), then check your email to examine the alert.

Filter Hooks

Additionally, two USP Filter Hooks are provided if you need to add a custom alert Shortcode:

