Head Meta Pro Archive
Normally licenses are activated with a couple of clicks, but sometimes there are things that may interfere with activation. This post is all about how to troubleshoot the process and get your plugin activated asap.
The Server Test plugin checks to make sure your site is compatible with USP Pro, SES Pro, and other plugins. Specifically, Server Test checks to see if the WordPress function wp_remote_post() is working properly on your site. If not, it performs some other tests to see if any suitable alternative methods are available. Using the […]
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in Head Meta Pro. This post rounds up any frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the plugin.
Head Meta Pro is equipped with the following filter hooks. These hooks may be used to customize default plugin functionality. If you need a hook that is not yet available, please contact us and we’ll see about getting it added in a future update.
Head Meta Pro enables you to configure the perfect HTML meta tags for your WordPress-powered site. You can define meta tags for each type of page-view, including single posts, pages, archives, search results and more. Head Meta Pro gives you granular control over your meta tags with shortcut variables like %%DATE%% to include dynamic, context-specific […]
This post walks through all of the settings provided with Head Meta Pro. These settings are current as of the time of this writing, however the settings may change as the plugin is updated and evolves going forward. If you are an owner of the plugin, you can get a current view of all the […]
Head Meta Pro enables you to configure the perfect HTML meta tags for your WordPress-powered site. Define meta tags for each type of page-view, including single posts, pages, archives, search results and more. Use variables like %%DATE%% to include dynamic, context-specific information with your meta tags. Define post-specific meta tags. Works with all post types, […]
Head Meta Pro makes it easy to define the perfect meta tags for your WordPress-powered site. The plugin is designed with simplicity in mind, so getting started and set up should be a breeze. If at any time, you are unsure or have questions, visit the Help tab on the plugin settings page for complete […]