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“FAQ” post for Frequently Asked (and presales) Questions about SES Pro.

Is SES Pro Multisite compatible?

Due to licensing restrictions, SES Pro works on an individual, per-site basis. That means the plugin can be activated on any given site on a Multisite network, but network-wide activation is not supported at this time.

I want to display the signup form automatically on all pages on the site. How do I do this?

Add the following template tag to your theme’s footer.php file, just before the closing body tag, </body>:

<?php echo ses_pro(); ?>

Alternately, you can use the following (makes it a bit easier to customize with attributes):

<?php echo do_shortcode('[ses_pro]'); ?>
Now that the form is displayed on all pages, how do I make it a lightbox-style popup?

Add the enable_popup attribute to the shortcode or template tag, like so:

  • Shortcode: [ses_pro enable_popup="300,3000"]
  • Template Tag: <?php echo ses_pro(array('enable_popup' => '300,3000')); ?>
  • Shortcode via Tag: <?php echo do_shortcode('[ses_pro enable_popup="300,3000"]'); ?>

Note that the first number, 300, refers to the width of the form, which you can determine via the Form Styles screen. The second number, 3000, refers to the delay interval for the popup. Check out this post for more information.

Now that the popup form is working, I want to change the style of the form, how do I do that?

Add the style attribute to the form, specifying the style that you would like to use, for example:

  • Shortcode: [ses_pro style="3" enable_popup="300,3000"]
  • Template Tag: <?php echo ses_pro(array('enable_popup' => '300,3000', 'style' => '3')); ?>
  • Shortcode via Tag: <?php echo do_shortcode('[ses_pro style="3" enable_popup="300,3000"]'); ?>

Note that you can choose from any style available in the Form Styles screen.

Great, the form looks and acts how I would like, but I want to add another field to the form, like “Phone”.

Visit SES Pro Settings and change the value of “Custom Field 1” to “Phone”, save changes. Then visit Form Styles to fine-tune the form style to accommodate the new field.

Aha, I need help with customizing the form styles via the Form Styles screen.. I don’t know CSS, can you help?

I am glad to provide basic help with form styles so that your form looks good with extra fields, etc. For more advanced form designs, you will need to hire a developer (or DIY).

How do I send SMTP mail?

First visit SES Pro Settings to enter your SMTP details. Then while writing your email via SES Email screen, select the “SMTP” option in the “Email Options” panel.

How do I send a test email?

Visit the Subscribers screen, add an email address, and then edit its “Form” value in the subscriber list (make it something obvious, like “Test”). Then visit the Send Email screen and select “Test” from the dropdown, and click Send.

How do I import/export subscriber data?

Both are done via the Subscribers screen. Note that the import file must be formatted specifically. See the instructions on the Import settings for more information.

Is there a way to preview an SES Email before sending?

There isn’t a “preview as email” function at this time, but there are some other possibilities:

  • You could view the Draft SES Email post (preview on the front-end)
  • And/or you could send yourself a test email via Send Email

Note that the SES Email posts are a Custom Post Type, which means that you will need a theme template to view them on the front-end. To help with that, the plugin provides a couple of basic templates:

  • /templates/archive-ses_email.php
  • /templates/single-ses_email.php

You can copy those two files and add them to your theme or child theme. They will enable you to view the SES CPT, but they are very basic so you may want to fine-tune the templates to match with your theme.

How to use HTML for the “Unsubscribe” shortcode in email?

You can enable HTML format (on the “Edit SES Email” screen). Then you can play around with the shortcode attributes. For example, you can use HTML for the “unsubscribe” link and the “view email in browser” shortcode:

[ses_unsub before="Want out? " landing="http://example.com/unsubscribe/" text="Unsubscribe from the newsletter" after=" (opens web page)" format="html"]
[ses_view_email format="html"]

Notice the trick here: adding the format="html" attribute to either shortcode. More info on SES Shortcodes.

Where can I find more information about SES Pro, like attributes, hooks, and so forth?

Visit the SES Pro homepage @ https://plugin-planet.com/ses-pro/. That’s a great place to get a better idea, or if there is something specific feature-wise you are curious about, just use the contact form :)

What is the meaning of the different license names?

We offer plugin licenses with names like “Personal”, “Business”, “Advanced”, and “Developer”. These names are arbitrary and have nothing to do with the type of website that the license may be used on. For example, the Personal (1-site) license can be activated on any site, whether personal, business, or otherwise. Likewise, the Business (3-site) license can be activated on any site, whether personal, business, etc. So they’re just names for the licenses, not any sort of limitation.