USP Pro can do a lot with WordPress Custom Fields. In this post, we’ll look at the three naming options available when adding Custom Fields to USP Forms: default, prefix, and custom.

Default Custom Fields

The default names of USP Custom Fields are:


When using the default naming convention, the name and for parameters of the custom field definition should not be specified. For example, the following definition will use the default custom-field names:

  • data-required#true|placeholder#Favorite Animal
  • data-required#false|label#Flower License
  • label#Ankle Size|placeholder#Ankle Size

Custom Prefix Fields

You also can specify a custom-field prefix by visiting Advanced ▸ Custom Field Prefix. So if you specify a prefix there, say, prefix_, the custom field names would be as follows:


When using the custom prefix, the name and for parameters of the custom field definition should be specified. For example, the following custom-field definitions could be used:

  • data-required#true|name#prefix_whatever|for#prefix_whatever
  • data-required#false|name#prefix_something|for#prefix_something
  • name#prefix_another-example|for#prefix_another-example

Custom Custom Fields

Lastly, under Advanced ▸ Custom Custom Fields, you can specify any custom-field names you want, such as:


..or whatever you need. When using Custom Custom Fields, the name and for parameters of the custom field definition should be specified. So for this example, the custom-field definitions would look like:

  • data-required#true|name#"my-custom-field-1|for#"my-custom-field-1
  • data-required#false|name#another-field|for#another-field
  • name#boat-racing-party|for#boat-racing-party

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