USP Pro enables HTML tags in submitted post content. By default, the set of allowed tags is the same as it is for regular WordPress posts written in the Admin Area. To customize (or disable) allowed HTML tags, visit the Post Formatting option. There you can define your own custom set of allowed HTML tags. Each allowed tag accepts a predefined set of default attributes. The default attributes are ideal for most cases, but you may want to customize which attributes are allowed or not. This quick post provides a simple function that can do it.

Default Allowed HTML Tags

These are the default attributes that always are allowed on HTML tags:

$allowed_atts = array(

	'align'      => array(),
	'class'      => array(),
	'type'       => array(),
	'id'         => array(),
	'dir'        => array(),
	'lang'       => array(),
	'style'      => array(),
	'xml:lang'   => array(),
	'src'        => array(),
	'alt'        => array(),
	'href'       => array(),
	'rel'        => array(),
	'rev'        => array(),
	'novalidate' => array(),
	'type'       => array(),
	'value'      => array(),
	'name'       => array(),
	'tabindex'   => array(),
	'action'     => array(),
	'method'     => array(),
	'for'        => array(),
	'width'      => array(),
	'height'     => array(),
	'data'       => array(),
	'title'      => array(),
	'url'        => array(),


For more details, open /inc/usp-process.php and locate sanitize_content(). All the functionality for allowed attributes is contained in that one function. No need to edit core files to add more attributes, USP Pro provides a filter hook for it.

Allow Custom Attributes

The default allowed attributes are limited purposely, but it is possible to add your own atts to the allow list. Here is an example code snippet that you can add via theme functions.php or simple plugin.

// USP Pro - Allow Custom Attribute
function usp_allow_custom_atts($allowed_atts) {
	$allowed_atts['data-bacon'] = array();
	return $allowed_atts;
add_filter('usp_sanitize_content_atts', 'usp_allow_custom_atts');

All we’re doing here is adding data-bacon to the $allowed_atts array. Feel free to modify that to whatever attribute you want to allow in post-content HTML tags. If you want to add multiple attributes:

// USP Pro - Allow Custom Attributes
function usp_allow_custom_atts($allowed_atts) {
	$allowed_atts['data-bacon'] = array();
	$allowed_atts['data-donut'] = array();
	$allowed_atts['data-syrup'] = array();
	// etc.

	return $allowed_atts;
add_filter('usp_sanitize_content_atts', 'usp_allow_custom_atts');

Here we are adding three attributes to the allowed array: data-bacon, data-donut, data-syrup. You can add any tags that are necessary, but please keep security in mind: make sure that there are no known security vulnerabilities associated with the attributes that you want to allow. Word to the wise, keep it safe folks.
