Super quick post today. When working with USP Pro, make sure to empty the trash immediately after deleting any USP Form Demos. This is especially important if the plugin setting, “Auto-Generate Form Demos” (located under the Advanced tab), is enabled. When that setting is enabled, it is important to empty the trash after deleting any form demos.

Tip: If the demo forms are not displayed, you can click the “Add new forms” button to generate them.
Tip: When the setting, Advanced ▸ “Auto-Generate Form Demos” is enabled: if you delete a demo (empty trash), it will be regenerated automatically. When the setting is disabled, no forms will be regenerated.

Default demo forms

By default, USP Pro provides the following demo forms:

  • Classic Form Demo
  • Contact Form Demo
  • Image Preview Demo
  • Starter Form Demo
  • User Registration Demo
  • USP Form Demo

These demo forms are created automatically when the plugin is activated. And if the plugin setting, “Auto-Generate Form Demos” is enabled (located under the Advanced tab), the demo forms will be recreated if they are deleted. For example, if the auto-generate setting is enabled and you delete the Classic Form Demo, the plugin will instantly create a new Classic Form Demo. Or, if the auto-generate setting is not enabled, any deleted demo forms will not be regenerated.

Bottom line

Best practice when working with forms is to empty the trash after deleting any demo form. That way your forms stay organized and duplicates are avoided. Duplicate form names lead to incorrect shortcodes and other confusing issues. So if you need to delete a form, don’t just click the delete link and send it to the trash. Make sure to empty the trash immediately after is the best way to stay on track and avoid any confusion.