This post explains the USP Pro setting, “Replace Author & URL”, which enables you to display the submitted Name and URL for submitted posts. This makes it easy to customize submitted posts without requiring visitors to register when submitting content to your site.

This setting is located in the plugin’s General settings:

General settingsUser Settings ▸ “Replace Author & URL”

When enabled, this setting tells your theme to always use the submitted author name as the Post Author, and the submitted URL as the Author URL. Let’s take a closer look at what that means under the hood.

Replace Author Name

When this setting is enabled, the Author/Name that is submitted with any USP Form will be displayed automatically wherever any of the following template tags are used in your WP theme:

  • the_author()
  • get_the_author()
  • the_author_meta('display_name')
  • get_the_author_meta('display_name')

Anywhere these tags are used in your theme, USP Pro will filter the output to display the submitted Author/Name for the related post. Note that the Author/Name field can be added to any USP Form by adding the following shortcode:


Replace Author URL

As with Author Name, USP Pro can automatically display the submitted Author URL wherever any of the following template tags are used in your WP theme:

  • the_author_link()
  • get_the_author_link()
  • the_author_meta('user_url')
  • get_the_author_meta('user_url')
  • get_author_posts_url()

Anywhere these tags are used in your theme, USP Pro will filter the output to display the submitted URL for the related post. Note that the URL field can be added to any USP Form by adding the following shortcode:

