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Blackhole Pro News

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Pro Plugins Update – August 2021

WordPress 5.8 now is available, and all of our free and Pro WordPress plugins are updated and current with all the latest and greatest. Before diving in to the updates, I want to say Thank you to all of our customers, users, and everyone leaving great reviews, sharing on social media, reporting bugs, and such. […]

Pro Plugins Update – March 2021

Things are well underway for 2021, including a new round of plugin updates. All of our free and Pro WordPress plugins are updated for March 2021. Before diving in to the updates, I want to say Thank you to all of our customers, users, and everyone leaving great reviews, sharing on social media, reporting bugs, […]

Pro Plugins Update – December 2020

Hello people! It is plugin-update time once again. All of our free and Pro WordPress plugins are updated for December 2020. Before diving in to the updates, I want to say Thank you to all of our customers, users, and everyone leaving great reviews, sharing on social, reporting bugs, and such. Your support and feedback […]

August Fire

Pro Plugins Update – August 2020

Plugin update time! Yes sir, all of our free and Pro WordPress plugins are updated August 2020. It’s been a crazy year so far, but we remain committed to providing some of the best (and affordable) plugins on the market. This round of updates brings new features, bug fixes, and many improvements and tweaks for […]

Pro Plugins Update – April 2020

All Plugin Planet Pro Plugins and addons have been updated and tested with the latest version (5.4) of WordPress. This round of updates brings new features, new functionality, bug fixes, and lots of fine-tuning to make our plugins better than ever. If your pro license is active, the plugins can be upgraded via one-click updates […]

Our Pro Plugins

Banhammer Pro - Security Plugin
BBQ Pro - Fastest WordPress Firewall
GA Pro = WordPress + Google Analytics
SAC Pro = Lean mean chat machine

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