SAC Pro makes it possible to display unlimited chat forms on your WordPress site. For each chat form, there is a default “Welcome” message that is displayed, just like with the free version. Next to the default welcome message is the default username and avatar. The avatar is a simple “SAC Pro” icon. But you can change it to anything you would like. This blazing fast tutorial explains how to do it in one step..

Pro Tip: The default username and welcome message can be customized in the plugin general settings.

Step 1

To change the avatar for the welcome message in all chat forms, add the following code to your WordPress site, either via your (child) theme’s functions.php file, or add via simple custom plugin (here is a guide on how to add custom code to WordPress that explains both ways):

// SAC Pro - Customize Default Avatar
function sacpro_user_avatar_sacpro($path) {
	return '';
add_filter('sacpro_user_avatar_sacpro', 'sacpro_user_avatar_sacpro');

No changes need made, except for the image URL, which you’ll want to replace with your actual image location. It can be a full URL or partial path, as long as the image exists. Note: the URL in the above code is the default path and file name for the welcome message.

Pro Tip: Make sure that the image is not too huge or it will slow things down for your users. What’s a good size image? Well that’s up to you, but for reference the default avatar image size is only 200 x 200 pixels and ~24KB in size.