In this tutorial, you will see how easy it is to add a date field with date picker (inline calendar) using HTML5 attributes.

Related: You may also want to check out the video tutorial on HTML5 Form Inputs →

To display a date field and datepicker in your USP Form, define a custom field and be sure to include the following attribute:


Then include the custom field’s shortcode in the form, for example:

[usp_custom_field form="123" id="1"]

Save your changes and you’ll have something like this displayed in your form:

USP Pro - HTML5 Date Input Field with Date PickerDate field displayed on Chrome. Note that the appearance of the date field will vary from browser to browser.

Important: not all browsers support the time, date, datetime, datetime-local, and other HTML5 inputs. So for supportive browsers, you’re in business; and for non-supportive/older browsers, you can either use a polyfill or just let the browser degrade gracefully and use the default HTML text-input field. To see which browsers support which HTML5 features, you can use a site such as this one.

Date Limits

Hey, what about min/max limits? I hear you say. Well, that can be done by including the following attributes in your custom field definition:


Here we are limiting the possible values for the Date field as follows:

  • Minimum Date: January 1, 2012
  • Maximum Date: January 1, 2013

Yes, it’s that easy. Try it and see! :)

Related: Add Range and Number Fields »
