Quick summary of all USP Pro errors and the location of their respective settings.
Error Message
Under the Advanced tab ▸ “Error Message”, you can customize the text/markup that appears before and after errors.
Primary Field Errors
Under the More tab ▸ “Primary Field Errors”, you can customize the following errors:
- Name
- Title
- Tags
- Captcha
- Category
- Content
- Files
- Email Address
- Email Subject
- Alt Text
- Caption
- Description
- Taxonomy
- Post Format
- Media Title
- File Name
- Agree to Terms
Form Submission Errors
Under the More tab ▸ “Form Submission Errors”, you can customize the following errors:
- Username Error
- User Email Error
- User Exists
- Registration Disabled
- Post Required
- Duplicate Post
- Name Restriction
- Incorrect Captcha
- Content Minimum
- Content Maximum
- Address Restriction
- Subject Restriction
- Incorrect Form Type
- Content Filter
File Submission Errors
Under the More tab ▸ “File Submission Errors”, you can customize the following errors:
- Files Required
- File Required
- File Type Not Allowed
- File Dimensions
- Maximum File Size
- Minimum File Size
- File Name Length
- Minimum Number of Files
- Maximum Number of Files
- Require Square Images
User Registration Errors
Under the More tab ▸ “User Registration Errors”, you can customize the following errors:
- Nicename
- Display Name
- Nickname
- First Name
- Last Name
- Description
- Password (deprecated)
Miscellaneous Errors
Under the More tab ▸ “Miscellaneous Errors”, you can customize the following errors:
- Error Separator
- Before Taxonomy
- After Taxonomy
- Before Custom Field
- After Custom Field
Further, you can customize the error-text displayed for custom-field errors using a jQuery snippet.
Note that it also is possible to validate forms before they are submitted using Parsley.js. That would open further doors for configuration and customization.