Walkthrough of the various ways to display uploaded images with USP Pro.

First, let’s understand what happens to images when they are uploaded via USP Pro:

  • Submitted images are added to the Media Library
  • Submitted images are attached to posts as Custom Fields

To keep the plugin as flexible as possible, uploaded images are not added to the post content area. So to display images, there are numerous options:

  • Visit Uploads ▸ “Auto-Display Images” and select an option to auto-display all images before or after post content
  • Visit Uploads ▸ “Featured Images” to auto-display uploaded images as Featured Images
  • Use any relevant USP Pro Shortcode on any Post or Page
  • Use any relevant Template Tag anywhere in your theme template
  • Use any relevant User Shortcode to display images as desired within the post content (e.g., [img-1], [img-2], etc.)
  • Use any relevant WordPress tag, such as get_post_meta() in your theme template
Note: as of USP Pro version 4.5.2, you can set a default/fallback featured image. Visit the Upload settings, scroll down to “Default Featured Image”, and enter any valid image ID.
Related: You may also want to check out the video tutorial on Displaying Linked Thumbnail Images →

Further, here are some related articles that may prove useful when displaying images and other submitted files in post content: