Blackhole Pro Archive
By default, Blackhole Pro adds a line to the site/server error log for any invalid IP addresses. Fortunately invalid IP addresses are rare. But there are cases where an attack or some issue may result in lots of notices filling up the site logs. So this tutorial explains how to disable the error log notices […]
By default, Blackhole Pro takes care of adding the required Blackhole trigger link to all web pages generated by your WordPress-powered site. But what if you only want to include the trigger link on a specific post or page? This tutorial explains how to do easily.
Hello people! It is plugin-update time once again. All of our free and Pro WordPress plugins are updated for December 2020. Before diving in to the updates, I want to say Thank you to all of our customers, users, and everyone leaving great reviews, sharing on social, reporting bugs, and such. Your support and feedback […]
Plugin update time! Yes sir, all of our free and Pro WordPress plugins are updated August 2020. It’s been a crazy year so far, but we remain committed to providing some of the best (and affordable) plugins on the market. This round of updates brings new features, bug fixes, and many improvements and tweaks for […]
Blackhole Pro requires adding a few rules to your site’s robots.txt file. If you are using the WordPress-generated dynamic/virtual robots.txt file, the plugin adds the required rules for you automatically. Only if you are using an actual/physical robots.txt on the server do you need to add the rules manually (copy/paste). This post explains more about […]
For each bad bot, Blackhole Pro records a variety of information. Like IP address, User Agent, Request URI, Hostname, and more. In most cases, this extra information is processed quickly with no extra load on the server. But for traffic heavy sites and/or sites hosted on less capable servers, the extra processing may detract from […]
Here is a quick post with steps to verify that Blackhole Pro is working properly. The test is split into two parts: Part 1 tests if the plugin is correctly blocking bad bots, and Part 2 tests if the plugin is correctly removing bad bots from the Bad Bots Log (like when you want to […]
All Plugin Planet Pro Plugins and addons have been updated and tested with the latest version (5.4) of WordPress. This round of updates brings new features, new functionality, bug fixes, and lots of fine-tuning to make our plugins better than ever. If your pro license is active, the plugins can be upgraded via one-click updates […]
This year I am thankful for pro plugin updates! All of our premium Plugin Planet Pro Plugins have been updated with bug fixes, some improvements, and minor tweaks for optimal compatibility with WordPress 5.3 and beyond. Most of the changes are cosmetic, revolving around the new updated styles in the WordPress Admin Area. To learn […]
Plugin update time! All Plugin Planet Pro Plugins updated September 9th, 2019. For the most part, this round of updates is mostly about maintenance and fine-tuning. But also got some great new features added to Blackhole Pro, BBQ Pro, and USP Pro. If your pro license is active, the plugins can be upgraded via one-click […]