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USP Pro Tuts

Page 18 of 18 → showing posts 137 through 139 of 139 total

USP Pro – Custom Uploads Directory

Out of the box, USP Pro is tightly integrated with the WordPress Media Library. This means that any/all files submitted via USP Pro forms are uploaded to the default directory, /wp-content/uploads/ or something like /wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ if you have enabled the WordPress option to “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders”. That’s great for most […]

USP Pro – Template Tags Best Practice

General “best-practice” type post for WordPress users. When including template tags provided by a plugin or theme, it’s good practice to precede the tag with a conditional check to make sure that the function exists.

USP Pro – Alternate Way to Reset Forms

Super quick tip for USP Pro and an alternate way to reset your front-end forms. Estimated reading time: 30 seconds ;)

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