This forum is for general questions about USP Pro. This includes but is not limited to installation, configuration, and basic implementation. For advanced questions, check out the Advanced Topics.
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This forum is for general questions about USP Pro. This includes but is not limited to installation, configuration, and basic implementation. For advanced questions, check out the Advanced Topics.
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Forum : General Topics
There are 271 posts in this forum.
Plugin disables WP-admins WYSIWYG editor. When the plugin is active, the standard wp-admin editor (pages, posts etc) gets replaced by a stripped down version.
Thanks for reporting, it’s a bug that will be fixed in the next update. Until then you can safely comment out (or remove) line #245 in usp-forms.php, like so:
That line will be commented out in the next update (there is no need for it), so it’s fine to edit now to resolve the issue.
Update: this fix is now implemented in version 1.2.
In the screenshot of USP settings here it shows an menu item for “USP Posts”, but I can’t seem to locate it anywhere in the Admin Area..
That menu appears when using USP Posts as a custom post type for submitted content. To activate, visit Advanced > Custom Post Type, and select the option for “USP Posts”. After saving your settings, the USP Posts menu will appear as seen the screenshot.
Is USP Pro compatible with the free version of User Submitted Posts?
Yes it is. USP Pro was written from the ground up, so there should be no conflicts.
Hi it’s me again, posting questions sent in by new users of USP Pro. The next question is about Quicktags not appearing when the plugin is first activated. Is there a fix?
Yes, until I track it down, toggling between the “Visual” and “Text” tabs should trigger the quicktag buttons to appear.
Uploaded files don’t get renamed like WordPress is doing it. Only
overwriting files with same filenames.
For unique file names, I’ll be updating the plugin with an option to either overwrite or make unique. Until then, you can add the following line to usp-process, just after line #735 (version 1.1 only):
So the code should look like this:
What that does is prepend each file name with the year-month-day and an additional unique ID to make double sure that it’s unique. Again, this will be addressed with an actual option in the next plugin update.
Update: this fix is now implemented as a plugin setting. Visit Uploads > File Names for more info.
Is it possible to develop with USP Pro on a dev/test domain and then transfer it to a live site on a different domain?
Yes, currently the USP Pro license refers to the number of domains only, so it’s possible to transfer from one site to the next, serially and as needed. The key to smooth transition between sites is to remember to deactivate the license on the dev domain before trying to activate on the live site.
How can I require users to log in before using the form and submitting content?
Just wrap the form shortcode with the
shortcode, like so:Tip: more shortcodes listed in the plugin settings under Tools > Shortcodes, and also online in the USP Pro Docs.
How do I add an email-author field to the post form. Basically what I want is for the email author to be sent an email not me other then the standard WP confirm email.
There are at least two ways to go about this. The easiest way is to just enable the option “CC User” from the Admin > Contact Form settings.
A more advanced way would be to include a field for the user’s email address, and then use
to retrieve the data for use. Something like this added to your theme’sfunctions.php
file should work:when users submit content, the form doesn’t seem to take paragraphs or breaks into account. As a result, all texts stay on the same line. Is this how it’s suppose to be?
Check out the Advanced Settings, the option “Allowed HTML in post”. There you can enter any HTML tags that you would like to allow in submitted post content. For example, to allow users to include
, and<em>
, specify the following value for the Allowed-HTML option:p,br,em
The setting’s description provides further infos about how it works.
Is there a way to assign default category or categories for each individual form? Also, is there a way to get rid of “please select” from the menu like the free version.
Glad to help.
Yes, here is an example:
For this to work, the specified categories must be selected under General > Category Settings > “Post Categories”.
Yes, it is possible to use plain HTML in the forms, so you can add the shortcode and grab the following markup from the source code; then remove the “please select” option. Here is an example that may added directly to the form:
Notice that when including category field as plain markup, it’s required to include any default category fields as well; this is seen in the last two lines (the two hidden inputs).
Hello Jeff
i want to insert the value of the fields (image, url ), in the content of the post – how can i do that ..
in fact i want to add the image in the beginning of the content and the url on the end of content of the post .
and also the name of sender..
a remark
“Auto-Display Images – Automatically display images in submitted posts? Note: applies only to uploaded images. Visit Tools > Shortcodes for alternate ways of displaying images and other file types. Options: display uploaded images before post content, after content, or disable. Default: before content”
–> this make the modifications for all the posts of the website .. not only the post generated with the usp pro ..
Hi Paul,
One way to display any of the custom fields (image, URL, etc.), is to add the
shortcode to the post content. Here are some examples:..would output something like this:
Also: you can use the
template tag in your theme template (e.g.,single.php
in the loop):For more info about USP Pro template tags and shortcodes:
Then for the auto-display images, I’ve updated the plugin to function as you describe (and as intended). Version 1.3 should be available tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up!
Hi Jeff,
Question related to USP PRO, settings, admin, admin email to. I can’t get it working for a email address. When I use one of my domain email addresses it works fine. Please advise me.
Thanks, Maarten
Hi Maarten,
One thing to try is the setting Admin Settings > Email Alerts. The default mail function used to send mail is WP’s
function. So if that isn’t working, try selecting the other option to send using PHP’s ownmail()
function.Hi Jeff,
Tried both options.
I added a CC to check if the notification is mailed.
I noticed that I receive the notification via my domain address and I can see that the notification is using the correct gmail address. The email is only not arriving in the gmail inbox. I checked the spam box, but no email.
Maybe it is just a gmail issue????
Hmm.. it could be.. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow and see if there is anything that can be done from the plugin side of the equation. It could be server-specific, some google-specific header that’s required, or another plugin/script that’s interfering. I’m currently working on the next update (v1.3), and will try to add a fix if possible.
Hi Maarten, I just tested both contact form and admin alerts to a Gmail address and everything went right through. So it could be related to server configuration, another plugin, or custom script.. there are a lot of variables to check but asking your host should reveal some clues.
Hi Jeff,
Another question…
When an error is made in a post submission I can define the URL redirect for failure.
Is it possible to just show the ‘error’ fields (e.g. red box) instead of redirecting.
Yes, look under the General Settings for the option “Redirect URL for Failure”. There you can specify a custom URL, or leave blank to redirect to the same page.
Got that, but I am looking for an option to show the user which field was in error.
No problem, let’s say that you are redirecting to
. When that page is returned from the server, the URL should include a query-string containing the error codes, for example:This code provides everything needed to display customized error messages on the redirect page. Here is a PHP snippet to illustrate the technique (add to the theme template file that’s used for the custom error page):
An easy way to see what the different errors mean is to remove the error-redirect and submit an empty form. The resulting page will have them listed in the same order as the parameters. For more complete info, check out the
function in/inc/usp-forms.php
.I’m using the USP Pro version 1.2 with the appz-theme in WordPress. Unfortunately it seems that the css-file of the usp-form is not “active” or not correctly included.
There are two ways to include CSS: the external file and/or the inline styles. It depends on which settings you have activated.
The option: “Include USP Stylesheet” means that you want to include an external stylesheet, where you can add any CSS that you want.
The option: “Select Form Style” depends on the CSS styles that are provided with the plugin on the “CSS/JS” settings page. These styles are included inline to help optimize performance.
Looking at your page, I see that the inline styles are indeed being included correctly, just before the USP form.
I’ve just upgraded to USP Pro after using the original USP. My use of USP is to allow visitors to submit an image to my site by filling out a simple form ( name, capcha, and image upload ). This was working just fine with the free version but now when trying to achieve the same results with the pro version and a custom form, I am getting an error message when trying to post that says:
The main reason why I started using USP was to allow visitors to post content without having to have to register. I see the ‘Registration Only’ option in the general settings to allow registration without submitting content but shouldn’t a user be able to submit content without registering?
Doesn’t the image or file upload count as content?
Thanks for your help here..
Hi Mike,
I’m looking into this now and should have a solution for you soon.. will report back asap.
Hi Mike, here is the solution:
1) Add the following hidden fields to the image-upload (or any) form:
2) Save the changes and done.
Note that the submitted posts will have the same post title and content, which are both customizable by editing the
of either of the hidden inputs. The only requirement for this to work is that the option for “Unique Post Titles” (General Settings) needs to be disabled (unchecked).Hello,
Somehow an image is getting added by USP when I call the_content(). Here’s what’s added:
There’s no USP form on that page. I originally had the free version installed before upgrading.
Thanks for making a great plugin that was perfect the project I’m working on.
The problem page is now viewable on the staging site here (link removed).
I’m not seeing an image.. have you checked the auto-display option?
Yeah, I just deselected it on your advice. You probably got there right after I changed it.
Thanks for you help!
Hi Tristan,
Have you checked the option “Auto-Display Images” (Uploads Settings), where you can disable the auto-display of uploaded/attached images.
Thanks! That did the trick.
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for answering all my pre sales questions! Client has now purchased and I’m looking forward to working with USP Pro.
One initial question before installing though –we are developing new site on temporary domain and wont’ update to actual domain until new site is complete. Site will remain on same server IP Address but will change from temporary to our actual domain. Will that present an issue since we have a single license for UPS Pro.
Thanks so much. Yael
Hi Yael,
Yes absolutely. The license is restricted by number of domains only, so you are free to move the plugin from one domain to another with no problem. The key to a smooth transition is making sure to properly deactivate the plugin before transfer and activation on another site.
HI Jeff,
We won’t be moving the plugin from one domain to another — we are developing new site using temporary domain and will only change the domain on the site to actual domain when new site is ready.
So, I guess that is considering moving the plugin from one domain to another, huh? But I want to have everything ready when new site goes live so how will it work if I create all the forms while using temporary domain, then deactivate plugin and reactivate when we change domain on site. Will I then need to recreate all my forms again and start over, or will they still be there after reactivating plugin.
Again, we aren’t actually moving site, just changing domain on site.
Yes if the domain is going to change, deactivate the license beforehand. The plugin settings are stored in the database, so as long as the plugin is not uninstalled (deleted) you shouldn’t need to recreate/reset anything (but you may want to make a backup just in case something weird happens). Once the domain is changed over, then reactivate the license and all should be well.
You know what, Jeff, never mind. I’ve decided to change site url to actual domain and edit host file to view locally. Makes much more sense and will ensure a smooth transfer once we actually transfer domain to new site. So plugin will be installed on actual domain, not temporary one.
That works too, should go smooth either way. Let me know if any issues, glad to help.
Hello Jeff,
Getting ready to jump into USP Pro this week and realize most of my questions will probably be answered in the “doing” but I would like to ask a question re: how user generated content is submitted. I tried the free version and it was submitted as a draft post, but I’m not quite getting my head around how this works.
Once user submits form, the content is submitted as a post right, perhaps already assigned to a blog category. Yes? If so, then would I simply copy and paste the content into a custom post type (if we decide to use) or would I need to use shortcodes to display user submitted content.
As I said, I’m sure a lot of my confusion will go away once I start actually working with plugin but would like to have at least some idea of how this will actually work.
Can you give me a brief recap?
Thank you!
Sure glad to help. Here is a quick recap:
For the custom post type, no need to copy/paste anything, just visit the Advanced settings and select to use custom post types for submitted content :)
just to clarify — there is no option for WYSIWYG text editor for front end submissions, only the ability for user to use designated HTML tags:
“There you can enter any HTML tags that you would like to allow in submitted post content. For example, to allow users to include
,<br />
, and<em>
, specify the following value for the Allowed-HTML option: p,br,em”Do I have this right? Thank you.
Incorrect. You can use the visual/rich-text/WYSIWYG editor for any USP Form. Just add the
attribute to the shortcode, like so:[usp_content richtext="on"]
So in addition to all of the global settings, there is a wealth of shortcodes, attributes, and template tags to further dial it in. More info:
Is it possible for a user to add a custom category within the form and connect this as a child of another cat?
If the category exists as a subcategory then yes it will be assigned as such for submitted content. Otherwise if the user is allowed to create their own categories there is no way of knowing to which parent category it should be assigned.
Thanks, Jeff! That’s great news :)
I can not seem to get auto publish to work after one approved post. If I set it to publish immediately it works great, but I would like it to work after one approved post. Any ideas, plugin conflicts I should know about.
I just checked your configuration and the issue is expected using the current settings.
Say you are assigning an author to each submitted post. This means that there is no info available to identify the actual person submitting the post (say, John or Jane), so there is no way to check the number of posts that they have submitted.
A possible easy solution would be to add a “Name” field to the form:
That gives the plugin the info needed to check how many of the user’s posts have been published, so the “Auto-publish” feature can work.
Hi there,
Another question from me :) With your help I got the plugin working perfectly, thank you again! I have since done a routine plugin update through WP and the site has been down since, referencing Fatal error: Cannot redeclare usp_init() and I am wondering if anyone else has run into this before. I am not sure how to fix and site is unusable for the time being. Thanks in advance!!
Yes, this is a bug that happens when both the free version of USP and USP Pro are both activated on the same site. The reason is that they are both using a function that has the same name, which is something not allowed by PHP. So the solution until I can rename the function in the next version is to simply disable/remove the free version of USP.
When submitting a form and getting one or more error-messages – all filled out content is removed from the form – Say I have a long form with multiple input fields and textareas. The user writes a long text, but forget to put a title – all the content text will disappear. Is there any way around this?
Thanks for a great plugin!
Visit General > Basic Settings and check to enable the option, “Remember Form Values”. Then make sure to include the checkbox in the form(s) using the USP:Remember shortcode. This way, form values will always be remembered for inputs and textareas.
Thanks for your quick reply!
Hm, you mean to use the ‘remember me’ checkbox? I’ve added it to the form, and enabled the settings. But when I submit with an error, only the title input is remembered – not the textarea. Does it matter that it is a custom field?
As I am using it as an image-uploader, it would be great if it could remember the uploaded files as well, but I guess that’s not possible atm?
“Does it matter that it is a custom field?” — there was a bug with custom fields remembering input data, but is now fixed in the soon-to-be-released version 1.5 of USP Pro.
For remembering uploaded file info, that is not yet supported, but planned for a future version.
Hi again again.
Hope this is the last time (probably not) :)
I fixed the problem with the local/test/live and licence by just buying the business with 5 sites – then it should be no problem.
I am the code you have provided above to show custom-error messages (not redirect, just on the same page). But is there anyway, maybe a template tag to check if there are errors in general (not a specific one). I only want to show the div wrapping around all errors if there actually are any.
thanks again.
Yes, it is possible to use PHP to check if any of the GET variables are for USP submission errors:
Hi Jeff. Thanks for the rapid response to my pre-purchase questions. Really impressed with the level of your support here in the forum. It’s a great confidence builder. I have bought a business licence and started work :)
It’s my pleasure to help, David! Let me know if I may be of service :)
I want to do something like this with your plugin :
I have tried to add multiple fields but value is storing only for last added field.
How I can do these steps with this plugin.
Hi David, we had resolved via email, but wanted to share the tutorial video with other users: