This forum is for general questions about USP Pro. This includes but is not limited to installation, configuration, and basic implementation. For advanced questions, check out the Advanced Topics.
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This forum is for general questions about USP Pro. This includes but is not limited to installation, configuration, and basic implementation. For advanced questions, check out the Advanced Topics.
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Forum : General Topics
There are 271 posts in this forum.
Is there a simple way to change the wording of the ‘Add another file’-button? I’ve looked through the setting but I can’t seem to find one.
Yes, try adding the “link” attribute to the shortcode:
More info:
Hi I can get my custom fields to display anything other than Example label 1 and example input 1 etc. Can you help I have tried everything in settings:(
Yes, that information is included in the “Attribute Definitions” for the
shortcode, as provided in the Docs:
As explained, the “label” attribute defines the label text. So you could do something like this for the custom field value:
There are many other useful attributes as well, again check out:
We try to use a post-type which is a portfolio.
We’ve have typed in “Specify Existing Post Type” the custom post type “portfolio” and this works. But we do not know how to create a field selectable categories from this custom post type.
Hi Jose,
Categories are supported for your own custom post type IF they are enabled properly in your theme. Please check
in your theme and make sure that category support is enabled. If it is, you will see a line that includes the following:Refer to this Codex thread for more info.
Bottom line: once your custom post type supports categories, USP Pro will be able to use them for assigning categories to custom posts. Further infos here.
Jeff, I have a question. I have USP set up on a site and I am using a contact form. When someone fills out the form it is showing the admin email as who it is from instead of the email from the person who filled out the form.
This is my current set up:
Check the Admin settings > “Email From” and change it to leave the field blank. Note there is a typo in the description for this setting, it should say:
“Email address to be specified as the “From” address (leave blank to use the submitted user address)”
Update: this typo is fixed in the v1.6 update.
Is it possible to set the default format for submitted posts to “Video”. My website is based on submissions of video links and would be awesome to have the default format to “Video” instead of “standard”
Yes! Check out this tutorial:
Yes so I have two separate forms. I want one form to automatically be under one category and another form to automatically be under different category. I want to have the category hidden on the front end for users. What shortcode would I use?
There are two ways to specify categories for submitted posts. First, you can visit General > Category Settings, and check/enable the option to “Hide Category Field”. Then in all of your forms you can just use the category shortcode as usual. For example, to assign categories 1, 2, and 3 to the submitted post, the shortcode looks like this:
The other method of assigning categories to submitted posts is to just add a hidden field, like this:
This second way of doing it is nice because it doesn’t matter if the setting “Hide Category Field” is enabled or not. In fact, if you leave it disabled, you can assign categories AND display the Category field for users to select additonal categories.
Hi – on this one – where do you add the second ‘input’ line of code?
Hi Rob, you can add that line anywhere in the form content on the Edit Form screen.
I don’t have the options “Register New Authors” or “Register Only” in my General->User settings, as described here:
I’ve just installed User Submitted Posts Pro v1.7, immediately after purchase and download. Am I missing something?
Yes, thanks for pointing out that article, it needs to be updated. Those two settings have been removed in version 1.7. Now to make any form a registration form, just include this field:
More information:
Can USP PRO send an email notification to subscribers with contents of the most recent posts?
Yes, check out the Admin Settings, where you will find options for sending CC emails to the admin, submitter (user), and any other emails that should be notified.
A question about hidden fields, using the above example… Is it possible to have a “unique” title for each post? if I try to submit 2 posts i get the following error… “Duplicate post title detected. Please enter a unique post title.”
Yes, please visit General settings and make sure that the option “Unique Post Titles” is not checked, then save changes.
Hello Jeff, when a user misses a required field on the form it reloads the form asking them to fill in the missed field but it loses all the form data that the user had entered. Could you make it retain that data?
Hi Cameron, yes check out this tutorial:
Is there any way to send the content of the submitted form through the email alert to the user?
Yes, in version 1.9, you can add
to any email alert for user or admin.Hello Jeff, I’m getting a successful post notification email when any new post is published on my WordPress site, not just user submitted posts…
Hi Cameron, yes this is a bug and is already fixed in the next version of USP Pro (1.9). Should be available by the end of the week if all goes well.
Is it possible to edit which custom fields appear in a contact form email?
Not in the current version, but I’ve added a filter hook to version 1.9 that will enable complete control over custom field content in contact form email. For example, in version 1.9, the following function can be added to the theme’s functions template:
That example will exclude the custom field named
. Version 1.9 should be available sometime this weekend :)That’s great Jeff. When version 1.9 is available, will it just be easy to update it through the plugins section in WP?
Yep, it’s all automatic :)
(or you can log in here at Plugin Planet to download and install manually)
I have just upgraded to 1.9 and just wanted to clarify that in the code you gave above I will need to change usp-custom-1 to the name of the custom field I want to change?
Yes, exactly.
Hello Jeff, Is it possible to use the new Google reCAPTCHA with USP Pro?
Hi Cameron,
Not yet, it’s still pretty new. But once the API settles a bit will be adding to USP Pro. In the meantime, here is a more comprehensive tutorial on Google’s new “No Captcha reCaptcha”:
Good afternoon , I have published several forms when left in pending state , as configured “auto publish post” but I want only one of them can do “always publish immediatly ” can help me?
Yes, you can set Custom Post Status for any USP Form, here is a tutorial:
Jeff, I have this shortcode:
[usp_content richtext="on"]
The WYSIWYG editor renders fine within the form, but after the form is submitted, inside WordPress’ “Posts” none of the rich markup has come through. Instead, I see a blob of unformatted text, with no line breaks even.
Could you please advise?
You can enable Post Formatting as explained here:
That will keep all specified tags, line breaks, etc.
How do I prevent the form from fully resetting if a user forgets to input some information?
For example, I’m a user and I’m submitting a form that requires a lot of information but I forgot to put in my name and hit submit, the form now resets and tells me I need to enter my name and now I have to re-enter everything again.
Hi Emil,
Glad to help. You can implement “remembering” functionality, as explained here:
Just installed the most recent version of USP Pro on WP 4.2.4. When going to the USP Form Builder, no USP Quicktags are showing up. And when I click the “Text” tab, it won’t let me go back to “Visual.” Is there a way to debug this issue? Thanks.
Check out this comment.
Thrilled you made a pro version. I am seeming to have trouble with tags and categories. Do tags and categories need to be created before in wordpress to allow for USP to see them? I have since created tags in wordpress, but USP only displays 4 of the 10 tags I have created.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Nicholas,
Basically there are two ways to add categories:
Globally: Visit plugin General settings > Category Settings > “Post Categories”. There you can select any cats that should be displayed by default in any form.
Locally: You can override the global/default categories on any form by adding the
attribute, for example:Check out the Shortcode documentation for details:
You also can enable users to specify their own categories on a per-form basis. Here are the steps:
Hello, I have set minimum character limit to 500, but people can still submit 100 characters article by adding lots of space in the end. How to fix that?
I am interested in setting limit by words, but I think that will be difficult. If any easy way, please let me know.
Thank you.
Hi Dev, the min character limit white space bug is fixed as of USP Pro version 2.2. Thank you for reporting it :)
Is there a way I can show all the available categories by default to the User instead of selecting the categories from the Show Categories settings
Yes, you can add the
attribute to the category shortcode, for example:[usp_category include="all"]
(includes all non-empty cats)[usp_category include="all_include_empty"]
(includes all cats, even if empty)More info:
Hi Jeff,
Two Quick Questions…
first…how can I set the usp form to be full width? (not having a sidebar)
second…is there a way to easily duplicate an entire form?
thanks in advance!
Hi Kobi,
Glad to help:
1) “how can I set the usp form to be full width? (not having a sidebar)”
A couple of options for adjusting the form width. You can try switching to a different USP Form style (under CSS/JS settings tab). Or you can target the USP Form via CSS, something like this:
You may need to adjust the width value to suit your needs. And/or you may want to adjust the widths of individual form fields, for example:
You can adjust any CSS via the CSS/JS settings or via your theme’s
, etc.2) “is there a way to easily duplicate an entire form?”
The easiest way to duplicate an entire form is to copy the form contents and paste it into a new form (i.e., Add New Form). Then you would want to copy over any Custom Fields that are defined.
I don’t seem to have any of these quicktags in my form editor.
Try clicking on the “Text” tab that is next to the “Visual” tab (just above the content field on the Edit Form screen). Toggle between the two tabs a few times. Sometimes that wakes up WordPress to load the required scripts and display the new Quicktag buttons. May also try clearing cache/cookies and refreshing the page.
Can you tell me if there is a way to to place a character limit on a custom field on a USP form? I know about max and min limits for the content area but I can’t find a way to impose different limits on different custom fieds. For example I have a field called Short Description 350 chars max but I also have a Long Description 1500 chars max.
A couple of options for limiting characters on custom fields:
1) Add a
attribute to the field using this syntax:So you would add the custom-field definition. More info:
On that page, scroll to
2) Alternately you can use a jQuery snippet. I’ve included some ideas for that on this page:
How do I define the name of the custom field?
I thought it is defined by
but that is not true.Glad to help. Basically when you use the default custom field definition, like
, USP will prefix it withusp-custom-
.To specify a custom field that is not prefixed by
, you can add the field name to the option, Advanced > “Custom Custom Fields”.So for example, visiting that Advanced setting, I could add:
So then in my custom-field definitions, I can use:
And these fields will NOT be prefixed by
.Here is more information about how it works:
On my forms, I don’t see a submit button (or I see two of them).. help?
Check out this post for an explanation:
Hey Jeff,
I have a small problem hopefully. I have some USP Forms and everything works fine with them. The only problem is the “Content”. When I add this field to the USP Form and the user fill out the textarea than the complete text which was written has no breaks or paragraphs even when the user press multiple times “enter” to format the text. I dont want to activate the “Rich-Text” option I just want a simple textarea who does this. Like when I write an article in the WP Backend with text view instead of the visuel. Is this possible? Especially for long posts its horrible when there isnt even a simple break.
best regards,
Hi sascha,
Yes you can enable Post Formatting, as explained here.
I have bought USP Pro. Can you explain how to make the blog private? So posts can only be read by members and only members can post and comment. Rest of the website is public.
USP Pro focuses on forms, but you should be able to find a simple plugin that requires users to log in to view post content. Here are a couple of examples:
And you can find a lot more options by searching at the WP Plugin Directory:
Lots of great options.
Hello, I have created a custom form, published it, defined shortcode, but it won’t show. It acts as if it isn’t published (only submit button is showing), but I’m pretty sure it’s published. Demo forms are working fine. What can be the issue ?
Update: There is a form with
instead of my form. So I guess there was some error, but it’s not well specified, so I have no idea what happened.Glad to help. That particular error happens when the form id is incorrect in the shortcode. For example, if you have this as your shortcode:
[usp_form id="example"]
But the form ID is actually something else, like “contact”, then you will see that error.
Best advice is to double check the form ID and compare with the shortcode to make sure it’s correct.
Note: If you’ve changed permalinks/URLs/slugs/names of the forms before they were published, it might be easiest to simply start over by creating a new form and copy/pasting the contents over from the old form. That way the shortcode provided on the “USP Forms” screen will be correct.