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GA Pro Forum

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GA Pro – General Topics

This forum is for general questions about GA Pro. This includes but is not limited to installation, configuration, and anything else that doesn’t fit into one of the other forums. If you have a general question, please post it publicly using the form below. Or if you prefer, contact us directly.

GA Pro – Advanced Topics

This forum is for advanced questions about GA Pro. This includes development-related topics involving things like customizing and extending the plugin. If you have a question along those lines, please post it publicly using the form below. Or if you prefer, contact us directly.

GA Pro – Requests & Feedback

This Forum is all about feature requests and feedback. If you have ideas for new features, or constructive feedback regarding the site, the plugin, or any of its features, you may post them publicly using the form below. Or if you prefer, contact us directly.

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Banhammer Pro - Security Plugin
BBQ Pro - Fastest WordPress Firewall
Blackhole Pro - Security Plugin
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