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USP Pro Tuts

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USP Pro – Use Custom Metadata for File Name

This tutorial explains how to use submitted “File Name” metadata as the “File name” that is displayed on the “Edit Media” screen in the metadata panel (see screenshot below). Note that this technique affects the file-name metadata specifically; it does not change the actual name of the submitted file.

USP Pro – Combo Categories

In this quick tutorial, we’ll see how to add combo/chained categories to any USP Form.

USP Pro – Filter Submitted Posts

As of version 2.1, USP Pro makes it easy to filter and customize submitted post content. This tutorial explains how to make it happen using the usp_post_array filter hook.

USP Pro – Auto-Display Images

This tutorial shares some examples of auto-displaying images using User Shortcodes. User Shortcodes work like regular WP shortcodes and can be added by the user to their post content before submission. That way they can specify where/which images are displayed in their post.

USP Pro – Select File from Existing

In this tutorial, you’ll see one way to let users select a file from an existing set of files on your server. This is an alternate way of associating images with submitted posts, user registrations, and contact forms. So instead of users uploading files, they can choose from an existing set of files that you […]

USP Pro – Custom Attributes for Custom Fields

USP Pro provides a wealth of attributes for dialing in the perfect custom form fields, but sometimes you need to add a little something extra. This tutorial explains a couple of ways to add custom attributes to any custom field.

USP Pro – Custom Post Dates

With USP Pro version 2.0 and better, you can schedule future posts and set past dates (or any date) on submitted posts. This tutorial explains the steps required to make it happen.

USP Pro – Display Uploaded Image with Alt Attribute

Here are a couple of techniques for displaying submitted images with the alt attribute. Including the alt attribute when displaying images is considered useful for good SEO.

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