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Blackhole Pro Archive

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Blackhole Pro – Custom Warning Message

Blackhole Pro includes makes it easy to choose the Warning Message that’s displayed to bad bots. And you can go even further and create a custom message that’s dialed in to something perfect. This tutorial explains how it’s done..

Blackhole Pro – Custom Email Alerts

Blackhole Pro enables you to receive an email alert for each blocked bot. The plugin enables you to choose the type of email alert, or customize your own using provided shortcodes. This tutorial explains how to “roll your own” custom email alerts.

Blackhole Pro – Whitelist Bots

Blackhole Pro automatically detects, traps, and blocks bad bots. There are some cases, however, where you may want to always allow access for a particular bot or IP address. This may come in handy for testing purposes, proxy servers, caching plugins, and so forth. This tutorial explains how to whitelist (always allow) bots based on […]

New Plugin: Blackhole Pro

Boom! Just launched the Pro version of my WordPress security plugin, Blackhole for Bad Bots. Like the free version, Blackhole Pro protects your site against bad bots, spammers, scrapers, scanners, and other automated threats. This increases site security and saves precious server resources for your legit visitors. Blackhole Pro includes all features of the free […]

Blackhole Pro – General Topics

This forum is for general questions about Blackhole Pro. This includes but is not limited to installation, configuration, and anything else that doesn’t fit into one of the other forums. If you have a general question, please post it publicly using the form below. Or if you prefer, send an email to share privately.

Blackhole Pro – Plugin Settings

This Forum is all about Blackhole settings. If you have questions about any of the plugin settings included with Blackhole Pro, you may post them publicly using the form below, or contact us directly to share privately. Remember that the latest version of the plugin always will have the most current settings and descriptions. Visit […]

Blackhole Pro – Bad Bots Log

This Forum is for the Bad Bots Log. If you have questions about the Bad Bots Log, logging bots in general, or if you have ideas or suggestions, you may post them publicly using the form below, or contact us directly to share privately.

Blackhole Pro – General Bot Info

This Forum is for questions or comments about bots and traffic in general. If you have a question or comment about bots, spammers, bad requests, or anything related to catching and blocking bad bots, please post them publicly using the form below. Or if you prefer, send an email to share privately.

Blackhole Pro – Advanced Topics

This forum is for advanced questions about Blackhole Pro. This includes development-related topics involving things like customizing and extending the plugin. If you have a question along those lines, please post it publicly using the form below. Or if you prefer, send an email to share privately.

Blackhole Pro – Requests & Feedback

This Forum is all about feature requests and feedback. If you have ideas for new features, or constructive feedback regarding the site, the plugin, or any of its features, you may post them publicly using the form below, or contact us directly to share privately.

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