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USP Pro Tuts

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USP Pro – Excluding Categories

As of version 1.5 of USP Pro, it’s possible to exclude categories on a per-form basis.

USP Pro – Submit Content and Send Email

As of version 1.5 of USP Pro, it’s possible to receive a copy of the submitted post as an email to the specified address. For example, if you are collecting job applications via USP Form, the submitted content will be stored as a post in the database and sent to you via plain-text email.

USP Pro – Let Users Add New Categories and Tags

As of version 1.5 of USP Pro, it’s possible to set up a form that auto-creates categories if they don’t exist. This was already possible with tags, and it also works with categories. This is a great way to enable users to add their own categories and/or tags when submitting content.

USP Pro – Getting Started

Here are some useful resources for getting up and running with USP Pro..

USP Pro – Image-Only Submission Form

Here is a quick example of a form that allows users to quickly submit images along with their name.

USP Pro – Using Custom Visual Editors

USP Pro makes it easy to display textareas that use the WordPress RTE/TinyMCE/Visual Editor. Just add the [usp_content] shortcode to any USP Form and give it an attribute of richtext="on". This tutorial takes it further by showing how to enable WP Visual Editor with custom textareas, and even include multiple visual editors on the same […]

USP Pro – Display Submitted Post on Same Page

A slick way of handling user-submitted posts is to display them immediately on the same page from which they were submitted. This quick tutorial explains how to do it with USP Pro.

USP Pro – Display Custom Fields

USP Pro makes it easy to collect any sort of data with user-submitted posts. For example, you could add some custom fields to submitted posts to collect information such as telephone number, street address, favorite color, and virtually anything else that’s required. Then once the post is submitted, the additional information is attached to the […]

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