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BBQ Pro Archive

Page 5 of 8 → showing posts 41 through 50 of 75 total

Reasons to Get BBQ Pro

A customer recently wrote in with a pre-sales question, wondering basically why he should trade-up his current security plugin for BBQ Pro. This is a relatively common question, so here are my top “reasons to get BBQ Pro”..

BBQ Pro – Block User ID Phishing

This tutorial explains how to block user-ID phishing (aka, user enumeration), which is what happens when bad actors scan your WordPress-powered site for user IDs. Any discovered user ID information can be used to facilitate a brute-force login attack. Fortunately user-ID scans are trivial to block, either with .htaccess or with a few clicks with […]

BBQ Pro – Version 1.4 Update

BBQ Pro version 1.4 now available! The new version focuses on compatibility with WordPress version 4.5 and polishing functionality and performance. BBQ Pro version 1.4 also adds some new patterns and eliminates a few miscellaneous bugs. Read on to learn more..

BBQ Pro – Resolving False Positives

This Plugin Planet tutorial explains how to go about identifying and resolving any false positives that may happen when using BBQ Pro.

BBQ Pro – Blocking Nuisance Requests

BBQ Pro provides strong firewall security out of the box, and also makes it easy to enable advanced and custom protection. This quick tutorial explains how to use BBQ’s Custom Patterns to block any sort of nuisance request from accessing your site.

Manage Plugin License

This tutorial explains how to manage your plugin license and domain(s).

Download Purchase Receipt

Here is how to download your receipt after purchasing USP Pro, SES Pro, BBQ Pro, or any other items from Plugin Planet.

Download Purchased Plugin

Here is how to download your plugin after purchasing USP Pro, SES Pro, BBQ Pro, or any other plugin from Plugin Planet.

Fix SSL Update Error

Just a note for some sites that may not completely support SSL/HTTPS. Here are some possible solutions if you get an error such as the following when trying to auto-update (or one-click update) USP Pro, SES Pro, BBQ Pro, or any other plugins from Plugin Planet.

BBQ Pro – Version 1.3 Update

BBQ Pro version 1.3 now available! The new version continues the plugin’s focus on security and performance. BBQ Pro version 1.3 includes some cool new features and some great under-the-hood improvements. Read on to learn more..

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Banhammer Pro - Security Plugin
GA Pro = WordPress + Google Analytics
SAC Pro = Lean mean chat machine
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