Banhammer Pro Tuts
The Banhammer Armory and Tower make it easy to search and filter results. This quick tutorial shows how to search the Armory and filter results by a specific field.
Banhammer Pro enables you to whitelist any IP address or user agent. When a target is whitelisted, Banhammer never will deny it access. So you make sure that important targets always have access to your site. This tutorial shows how to whitelist targets via the Armory.
Banhammer Pro enables you to monitor your site’s traffic and ban any suspicious targets. For example, if you run a forum or bulletin board, and someone is being obnoxious, you can ban them with a click. This animated-GIF tutorial shows how to ban and warn any target via the Banhammer Armory.
Quick tutorial showing how to look up host names for any logged item.
Probably didn’t need a tutorial for this one, but I’m having a blast creating animated GIF images. So just ignore this post if you’ve already figured this out. Here you will see how to navigate paged log items in the Banhammer Armory (applies to both free and pro versions of Banhammer). Works exactly like you […]
Banhammer makes it easy to monitor site traffic via deluxe Ajax-powered UI. In the Armory, you can switch between views: “Basic view”, “Advanced view”, and “More info”. This post uses animated GIF images to show quickly how to switch between the various Armory views.
How do you know if the plugin is working? Like if you want to customize the banned response? Well, there are several ways to go about it.