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SAC Pro Tuts

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SAC Pro – Require User Login

Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) chat forms can be public, private, read-only, or “require login”. When user login is required, the chat box is not displayed unless the user is logged into WordPress. This tutorial shows how to require user login for any or all chat forms. Also shows how to customize the message […]

SAC Pro – Display Chats as Read-Only

Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) chat forms can be public, private, require login, or “read only”. When displayed in read-only mode, the chat box is visible to all visitors but sending messages is limited to logged-in users. Perhaps like watching people eat in a restaurant by staring through the window, read-only mode lets your […]

SAC Pro – Limiting Chats, Names, and More

Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) gives you full administrative control over all the details. Details like maximum number of chats per form, maximum length of user names and chat messages, and maximum number of users allowed in chat rooms. This tutorial shows how to control all of these details (and more) very easily.

SAC Pro – Change Chat Theme

Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) chat forms may be styled with one of six awesome themes, or you can “roll your own” theme however is desired. This blazing fast tutorial explains how to do it.

SAC Pro – Customize Chat Order

By default, Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) chat forms display messages in descending order, so the latest chats appear at the top of the chat box. This quick tutorial shows to change the chat order for all forms or specific forms only. It also shows how to change the field order, which determines the […]

SAC Pro – Customize Welcome Message

Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) automatically adds a “welcome” message to each chat box. By default, the welcome message is “Welcome to the Chat”, and the associated chat name is “SAC Pro”. This tutorial explains how to change the name and message to whatever you want.

SAC Pro – Tips & Tricks

Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) is lightweight and flexible, yet loaded with features and functionality. So there are tons of ways to customize and tweak things. This post is a working collection of tips and tricks, to help you get more from SAC Pro and dial in the perfect chat forms for your WordPress-powered […]

SAC Pro – Display Date/Time of Chat Messages

By default, Simple Ajax Chat Pro (SAC Pro) does not display the date next to each message in the chat box. You can enable it though. This quick guide will show you how to display the date and time next to each chat message.

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