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USP Pro Tuts

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USP Pro – Allow HTML Target Attribute

Quick tutorial explaining how to allow users to include the target attribute (or any attribute) when submitting WordPress posts with USP Pro. Estimated reading time about 5 minutes.

USP Pro – Filter Non-USP Posts

As of version 3.4, USP Pro can be customized to include a “Non-USP” button to filter non-submitted posts on the Posts screen in the WordPress Admin Area. This quick tutorial shows how to enable it.

USP Pro – Custom Post Formatting Attributes

USP Pro enables HTML tags in submitted post content. By default, the set of allowed tags is the same as it is for regular WordPress posts written in the Admin Area. To customize (or disable) allowed HTML tags, visit the Post Formatting option. There you can define your own custom set of allowed HTML tags. […]

USP Pro – Enable Users to Add Images with the RTE/Visual Editor

USP Pro enables users to submit post content. When the Visual/RTE/TinyMCE Editor is enabled on the Post Content (or Post Excerpt) field, enabled users can insert images and other files via the “Add Media” button. In order to do this, image tags <img /> must be enabled via the Post Formatting setting. This quick tutorial […]

USP Pro – Add Custom Field to REST

Here is a quick tutorial that explains how to add a custom field to WordPress REST results. Estimated time required: 5 minutes.

USP Pro – Enable Users to Submit Video Files

USP Pro enables you to create post-submission forms that enable users to submit just about type of file. For this tutorial, we cover how to set up a basic post-submission form that enables users to submit video files. Just a few steps until done!

USP Pro – Custom Form Validation

USP Pro provides built-in form validation and error notifications. But sometimes you just want a little more.. like custom form validation for certain fields. This post explains how to go about grabbing the form POST data, and validating it however is required. Note that this is an advanced technique aimed at developers.

USP Pro – Dynamically Add Form Name in Email Alerts

USP Pro provides flexible Email Alerts for user-submitted posts. Much is possible out of the box, and with the power of custom fields, you can set up highly customized email alerts that are perfect for any workflow. In this quick tutorial, we’ll see an example of this, where we dynamically add the name of the […]

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