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Pro Plugins Update – November 2022

Hello fellow WordPress users! I am pleased to announce that all of our free and Pro WordPress plugins are updated and current with latest WordPress, version 6.1. Before diving in to the updates, I want to say Thank you to all of our customers, users, and everyone leaving great reviews, sharing on social media, reporting […]

Retiring SES Pro

SES Pro was launched in 2015 to provide DIY slash self-hosted email signups and newsletter campaigns. It wasn’t our hottest selling plugin, but served an important niche: admins who want full control over email signups and sending with no 3rd-party requirements, recurring fees, or other restrictions. But alas, due to a variety of factors, the […]

New Free WordPress Plugins!

Excited to announce the launch of two free WordPress plugins. First is Simple Login Notification, a simple plugin that notifies you whenever an admin-level user logs in to your site. The second plugin is Simple Download Counter, which tracks the number of times files are downloaded from your site. Both of these plugins are 100% […]

Celebrating 8 Years + Pro Plugin Giveaway!

It’s a celebration time! This is our 8th year serving the incredible WordPress community. Plugin Planet was launched back in January 2014 with our first pro plugin and a dream. Fast forward eight years later and our free and pro WordPress plugins are active on over 1 million sites. We are very grateful to all […]

Sunsetting Unlimited Licenses

Quick news post to announce sunsetting of all “Unlimited” license deals. Since launching Plugin Planet in 2014, our pro WordPress plugins are available in 1-site, 3-site, 5-site, 10-site, or unlimited-site licenses. As of August 24th, 2022, the Unlimited-site option for licenses no longer will be available. Licenses for new purchases will support a maximum of […]

Our Pro Plugins

BBQ Pro - Fastest WordPress Firewall
Blackhole Pro - Security Plugin
GA Pro = WordPress + Google Analytics
SAC Pro = Lean mean chat machine

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