USP Pro makes it easy to display textareas that use the WordPress RTE/TinyMCE/Visual Editor. Just add the [usp_content] shortcode to any USP Form and give it an attribute of richtext="on". This tutorial takes it further by showing how to enable WP Visual Editor with custom textareas, and even include multiple visual editors on the same […]
A slick way of handling user-submitted posts is to display them immediately on the same page from which they were submitted. This quick tutorial explains how to do it with USP Pro.
USP Pro makes it easy to collect any sort of data with user-submitted posts. For example, you could add some custom fields to submitted posts to collect information such as telephone number, street address, favorite color, and virtually anything else that’s required. Then once the post is submitted, the additional information is attached to the […]
USP Pro is equipped with a powerful set of shortcodes that enable vast configurational possibilities, including wrapping a shortcode with a shortcode, aka nested shortcodes. In this post, we’ll provide an example and a quick solution for getting WordPress to recognize and execute shortcodes within shortcodes when included in post/page content and/or widgets.
Out of the box, USP Pro is tightly integrated with the WordPress Media Library. This means that any/all files submitted via USP Pro forms are uploaded to the default directory, /wp-content/uploads/ or something like /wp-content/uploads/2024/01/ if you have enabled the WordPress option to “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders”. That’s great for most […]
General “best-practice” type post for WordPress users. When including template tags provided by a plugin or theme, it’s good practice to precede the tag with a conditional check to make sure that the function exists.
Super quick tip for USP Pro and an alternate way to reset your front-end forms. Estimated reading time: 30 seconds ;)