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New Book: WordPress Themes In Depth

I am excited to tell you about my new book, WordPress Themes In Depth. If you are getting into WordPress development and want build and sell your own awesome WordPress themes, this book is written especially for you.

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USP Pro – Version 1.7 Update

USP Pro version 1.7 released with some great new features! Here is a summary of the changes..

USP Pro – Version 1.6 Update

USP Pro version 1.6 released! Here is a summary of the changes..

USP Pro – Version 1.5 Update

USP Pro version 1.5 released! Here is a summary of the changes..

Our Pro Plugins

BBQ Pro - Fastest WordPress Firewall
Blackhole Pro - Security Plugin
GA Pro = WordPress + Google Analytics
SAC Pro = Lean mean chat machine

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