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USP Pro – Display Form Fields in Two Columns

USP Pro makes it easy to build forms exactly as needed. Every USP Form accepts any HTML tags, CSS, and JavaScript that may be required. This post shows an example of how it works by adding markup and CSS to display form fields in two columns. Estimated time to complete is about 5–10 minutes.

GA Pro – Custom Tracking Location

GA Pro makes it easy to display your Google Analytics tracking code in either the <head></head> or footer (before the closing <body></body> tag). But those are not the only places that you can add your tracking code. This article explains how to include your GA tracking code in any location by adding a line to […]

USP Pro – Custom Image Loop in Theme Template

USP Pro provides an option to automatically display submitted images (located under the Uploads tab). It works great for most cases, but it may be necessary to customize things to suit your needs. This quick tutorial explains a technique that can be used to display a custom loop of images via your theme template.

USP Pro – Enable/Disable Fancy Select Fields for Category and Tag Fields

USP Pro version 3.6 and better uses Selectize to display select/dropdown fields in a more stylish, user-friendly way. As of USP Pro 3.7, the Selectize script applies to the Category and Tag fields, as well as any select/dropdown custom fields.

Blackhole Pro – Virtual robots.txt Rules

Blackhole Pro requires adding a few rules to your site’s robots.txt file. If you are using the WordPress-generated dynamic/virtual robots.txt file, the plugin adds the required rules for you automatically. Only if you are using an actual/physical robots.txt on the server do you need to add the rules manually (copy/paste). This post explains more about […]

How to Fix Custom Fields Not Showing in WordPress

One of the most common questions I get is “why aren’t my custom fields showing in my WordPress?” And living by the rule of not repeating myself, here is a post that explains some things to check if the Custom Fields meta box is not showing on the Edit Post screen of your WordPress-powered site.

USP Pro – Display Images with Lightbox

USP Pro makes it easy to use your lightbox script to display submitted images. This quick tutorial explains the steps. Estimated reading time is about 15 minutes.

USP Pro – Allow HTML Target Attribute

Quick tutorial explaining how to allow users to include the target attribute (or any attribute) when submitting WordPress posts with USP Pro. Estimated reading time about 5 minutes.

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